(no subject)

Jan 14, 2008 21:52

Well I was swinging by answering a message I got notified about that someone sent me on livejournal, and thought I might as well make a quick post to let everyone know I'm not dead or anything.

Unfortunately I have let my vid website die. This was not a conscious decision that I took. I used to automatically pay my for my webhosting with a Visa debit card I had from an old bank account that I had basically stopped using - my new bank account gave me a Maestro debit card, which isn't valid for US-based transactions such as paying for my web hosting. Thus when my old Visa account eventually expired, my website payments stopped going through and the site got taken down by the host company. The thought of finding a new web host that would take Maestro payments and transferring the domain and rebuilding the site was just too much. I keep meaning to do something about it though. I will...soon. Probably.

I still make vids in my head all the time, but haven't acually put anything down in Premiere for a couple of years. I think its mostly due to the time issue - the majority of my vids were made whilst I was at uni, since I left and got a job and moved to London and my life here sort of took off, I just don't seem to have the time any more.

Saying that, although lots of little things have happened, nothing huge has happened in my life since I last posted, oh-so-long ago. (Is that depressing? Not sure.) I have bravely fought a mouse infestation in my flat. I have read a lot of novels and watched a lot of television. I have improved my Scrabble game ten-fold. I have been promoted at work. I have become more interested in cooking. I have had a moral crisis over my stance on animal rights (ongoing). I have tried (and thus far failed) to find a new job. I have re-joined the gym. In fact, the gym is where I do a lot of head-vidding - at the moment I'm vidding the following:

Harry Potter complete-series trio vid to Barenaked Ladies' "Lovers in a Dangerous Time"
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban to Barenaked Ladies' "Unfinished"
The Office (US Version) to Barenaked Ladies' "What a Good Boy"
Spike and Buffy to The Feeling's "Sewn"
Knocked Up (the film) to Barenaked Ladies' "Call Me Calmly"

I hope everyone in live-journal land and beyond is well and happy. I doubt I will make many more posts in 2008, but I really think I will try to get my vids back online in some form.

Happy posting everyone.
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