(no subject)

Apr 06, 2009 21:47

Just discovered (via random clicking of various LJ links I'm only just catching up on after my...many years absence) that there was a vidding con here in the UK last year. Cannot believe it. How bizarre.

Watched the first episode of The Wire last night. If it wasn't for the fact its been recced to kingdom come, I'd probably not bother watching any more, but it has been so I will.

More comfortingly, I'm now up to "Potential" in my grand BtVS re-watch, having started from the end of season 2 about two months ago. It's been *so* good rewatching them all. And with season 7, most of these episodes I had only ever watched once or at the most twice at least five years ago, so it all feels kind of shiny and new again. I'm particularly loving Dawn in season 7, and I know Andrew's presence is all morally questionable etc etc, but again I still find him entertaining. Also I'd forgotten how nice the Buffy/Xander dynamic is this season.

All of that said, I have to gripe that:

a) Why is it that to defeat the previously completely undefeatable UberVamp, all that had to happen is Buffy had to just "decide" she was going to beat it?
b) Why must we have Kennedy? Why? Why?
c) The First is the dullest Big Bad ever.

Still trying to resist the temptation to buy a new laptop. Am hanging on in there. Just.
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