[Open] Kanda Comes Home

Apr 14, 2008 18:34

WHO: Yu Kanda, Daisya Barry, Lenalee Lee, Froi Tiedoll, Gregory House
WHAT: Kanda is in a lot of damn trouble.
WHERE: Exorcist's Home
WHEN: The day the SOS Brigade returns from the jungle.

The first thing he became aware of had been the warm sun in his face and strong arms holding him. )

Ω daisya barry, Ω kanda yuu, Ω gregory house, Ω lenalee lee, Ω froi tiedoll

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makerofeden April 15 2008, 01:40:06 UTC
Tiedoll was careful with his student, he sighed wishing the boy had listened to him instead of doing his own thing. "Yuu..." he said softly to the comatose boy, "You always made me worry..." he would have chewed the boy out if he were not so hurt.

Once he made it to the door of their home, he lightly kicked on the bottom of it to tell whomever was there to open up for him.


sh_hereisgone April 15 2008, 01:50:09 UTC
Daisya looked out the window from his room, then flew down the stairs at breakneck speed. He flung the door open and jumped back. "Master!" he cried.

Dark blue eyes took in Kanda's unconscious, battered body, and Daisya's fists clenched instinctively. "What happened to him?!"


madmugenskillz April 15 2008, 01:55:29 UTC
Kanda twitched slightly, disturbed by all the sudden noise. His head was pounding and his mouth felt so dry and ached so bad he wanted to rip his jaw off. Only his hands couldn't move. His arms and legs and the rest of his body felt as if he were made of lead.

Those voices. They sounded familiar. Only he couldn't make out any words. Just sounds.

He couldn't place anything anywhere in his mind. It was far too foggy, like he was floating on that fine line between the world of the living and that of the dead.


makerofeden April 15 2008, 01:59:06 UTC
"It seems they might have been attacked, and he changed back to a him, luckily I was able to get him out of Lenalee's clothes before hand." Tiedoll said quite calmly.

"Daisya, do you happen to have an emergency kit here?" he wanted to start patching up Kanda as quickly as possible.


sh_hereisgone April 15 2008, 02:05:12 UTC
"Emergency kit?" Daisya asked, still staring at Kanda. "Oh. Oh. Yeah. Uh... yeah. Let's... here. Lenalee's stuck in bed. Let's put him on the couch 'til he's patched up, then take him to his room. I don't want her seein' him like this."

He rushed off to the kitchen to get the emergency kit, then rushed back with both it and a glass of water. As soon as Kanda was resting on the couch, Daisya carefully put his arm under the wounded boy's shoulders and helped him up, supporting his head carefully. "Here," he murmured, touching the glass to the barely conscious Exorcist's lips. "Drink. Slowly."


madmugenskillz April 15 2008, 02:10:36 UTC
It felt good, whatever it was.

Something cold was touching his lips, and he wanted more. It slid down his throat soothingly. Shit, he was so thirsty! He drank whatever it was greedily, his throat bobbing desperately with each determined swallow.


makerofeden April 15 2008, 02:16:56 UTC
Tiedoll looked up at his students as he opened up the kit and started working on fixing up Yuu. Worry dancing across his face, Yuu should have listened to him, he was the youth's General.

"I wish Yuu would listen to me more."


sh_hereisgone April 15 2008, 02:18:53 UTC
"You an' me both," Daisya muttered, running off to the kitchen for more water. He came back and knelt next to Kanda, propping it up and offering it to him again. "He's always been headstrong an' stubborn..."

Daisya gazed at him, worried, and once the second glass of water was empty he set it down and smoothed his hand across Kanda's forehead. "Hey. Open those eyes of yours an' look at me, idiot."


madmugenskillz April 15 2008, 02:24:36 UTC
Kanda heard a voice that sounded somewhat like a command, but he just could not make out distinctive words, much less understand them. He tried to open his eyes again, but once more those blurry shapes assaulted him and tilted his mind sickeningly. He closed his eyes and turned his head with a slight moan as his stomach twisted violently.


makerofeden April 15 2008, 02:26:14 UTC
Froi listened to his student, Daisya seemed...more attached to Kanda by those words than what he remembered.

"Daisya, Kanda needs his rest. Let him keep his eyes closed if thats what he needs."


sh_hereisgone April 15 2008, 02:28:31 UTC
Daisya accepted the rebuke silently, which was definitely not something he usually did. He was so worried about Kanda that he didn't think twice about it, instead he just sat still and held on. If Kanda was going to be sick, he reasoned, someone would have to prop him up so he didn't asphyxiate.

It sounded like a good enough reason in his head, anyway.


madmugenskillz April 15 2008, 02:37:08 UTC
Kanda's stomach lurched and lurched again. The bile came rushing up his throat, and something else. Something warmer and thicker and made him want to hurl.

He turned his head again, gasping, and then began to choke. He tried to sit up and couldn't; instead he managed to somehow, somehow, will his body to turn a little more onto his belly as his stomach lurched one more time. He gagged again, blood spilling out of his mouth.


makerofeden April 15 2008, 02:39:58 UTC
"Damnit." Tiedoll hissed when he saw the blood, that usually meant an internal injury, and he was not a doctor.

"We need a Doctor."


sh_hereisgone April 15 2008, 02:47:08 UTC
"Kanda!" Daisya cried, feeling helpless and hating every second of it. He stripped his coat off and used it to carefully clean Kanda up and clear the blood from his airway, then sprinted to the kitchen for more water. He held Kanda gently and put the glass to his lips, then looked at Tiedoll and nodded.

"Dr. House can help," he said, his voice strained and his face very pale. "I'll go get him, I just...!" He looked down at Kanda again and bit his lip, then bowed his head and kissed his forehead quickly. "If you die, you fuckin' idiot... I'll never fucking forgive you!"

With that, he stood up and sprinted out of the house. He knew if he stopped or turned back, he'd cry, and that wouldn't do anyone any good at all. He pushed himself hard, using his speed to his advantage, and he didn't stop at all until he was knocking frantically at Dr. House's door.


causticguy April 15 2008, 03:33:30 UTC
House was, of all things, playing the piano when the knock sounded on his door. There was really no mistaking the urgency behind it. Lovely. Just what he needed. They probably wouldn't go away if he ignored them either.

"If it's Avon calling I bought my skin care products at the office," he called out, only slowing his playing slightly, though he realized that sooner or later it was probably inevitable that he'd have to get up and actually answer the door.


sh_hereisgone April 15 2008, 03:35:45 UTC
"Dr. House!" Daisya yelled, panic nearly making his voice break. "It's me... Daisya! Please, I need your help! Kanda's home, an' he's... God, please!"

It wasn't like him to get so worked up. Daisya struggled to calm himself, and managed... somewhat. He knew he could trust House, and he also had absolute faith in the fact that House would make everything alright. It was hard not to worry, though... in fact, it was nearly impossible.


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