[Open] Kanda Comes Home

Apr 14, 2008 18:34

WHO: Yu Kanda, Daisya Barry, Lenalee Lee, Froi Tiedoll, Gregory House
WHAT: Kanda is in a lot of damn trouble.
WHERE: Exorcist's Home
WHEN: The day the SOS Brigade returns from the jungle.

The first thing he became aware of had been the warm sun in his face and strong arms holding him. )

Ω daisya barry, Ω kanda yuu, Ω gregory house, Ω lenalee lee, Ω froi tiedoll

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Comments 82

makerofeden April 15 2008, 01:40:06 UTC
Tiedoll was careful with his student, he sighed wishing the boy had listened to him instead of doing his own thing. "Yuu..." he said softly to the comatose boy, "You always made me worry..." he would have chewed the boy out if he were not so hurt.

Once he made it to the door of their home, he lightly kicked on the bottom of it to tell whomever was there to open up for him.


sh_hereisgone April 15 2008, 01:50:09 UTC
Daisya looked out the window from his room, then flew down the stairs at breakneck speed. He flung the door open and jumped back. "Master!" he cried.

Dark blue eyes took in Kanda's unconscious, battered body, and Daisya's fists clenched instinctively. "What happened to him?!"


madmugenskillz April 15 2008, 01:55:29 UTC
Kanda twitched slightly, disturbed by all the sudden noise. His head was pounding and his mouth felt so dry and ached so bad he wanted to rip his jaw off. Only his hands couldn't move. His arms and legs and the rest of his body felt as if he were made of lead.

Those voices. They sounded familiar. Only he couldn't make out any words. Just sounds.

He couldn't place anything anywhere in his mind. It was far too foggy, like he was floating on that fine line between the world of the living and that of the dead.


makerofeden April 15 2008, 01:59:06 UTC
"It seems they might have been attacked, and he changed back to a him, luckily I was able to get him out of Lenalee's clothes before hand." Tiedoll said quite calmly.

"Daisya, do you happen to have an emergency kit here?" he wanted to start patching up Kanda as quickly as possible.


causticguy April 16 2008, 04:55:41 UTC
House had rolled his eyes in frustration. 'They were on a rescue mission' was basically a non-answer, and he would have said so if he'd had a chance, but he didn't, and Daisya might just not have known anyway ( ... )


makerofeden April 16 2008, 05:05:49 UTC
The man was lacking some bedside manner, but Froi didn't let his irritation show. Instead, he just smiled and looked at the man, "I have no idea what that is, but we were one a mission to go rescue the people who had been kidnapped, while I told Kanda not to go due to his knee injury, he went anyways." he started off, "Well, the party he was in was attacked, and then in the temple, he started to change back into him than be in the form of Miss Lenalee. Which, as you can gather, he is much larger than and he was in her clothes."


sh_hereisgone April 16 2008, 05:14:03 UTC
Daisya went closer when House motioned, his eyes riveted on Kanda. He didn't like seeing his best friend that way... it wasn't like Kanda to be injured and helpless. When he heard Tiedoll mention the body switching he blinked. "Oh, hell," he muttered. House's glare made him cringe a bit. "I... 'm sorry, I didn't... think about it. When I brought her to you... it was him, actually."


causticguy April 16 2008, 06:15:51 UTC
House glared at Tiedoll with the sort of expression one might give a man who had, in all seriousness, suggested a bushel of rabid wombats as the new breakthrough in neonatal ICU staffing. (A single wombat, without the rabies, was bad enough.... And what the hell was he thinking, now?--Oh, yeah, about his team and the blissful comfort of a world where the laws of physics actually applied and people spoke English and Hindi and other sensible languages and didn't talk about someone "changing back into" some other person and expect to be taken seriously by anyone who wasn't clinically insane....)

The sound of Daisya's voice was what brought House back to the moment, which also meant that it was Daisya who bore the immediate brunt of his aggravation. House's glare swung around to fix on him. "Yes," he said deliberately, the look on his face saying unmistakably, You're an idiot, "I can see how that minor detail might just have slipped your mind ( ... )


hiheelboots April 18 2008, 00:42:44 UTC
Lenalee had been sleeping when the commotion downstairs awakened her. Instinct told her right away that something was very, very wrong.

She sat up in bed, straining her hearing. There were voices -- Daisya, and Tiedoll, and somebody else that she didn't recognize . . .

She jumped to her feet, grabbing a too-big robe and tying it around her, and rushed to the stairs, peering down -- and her heart nearly stopped.

Kanda was lying on the couch. Daisya and Tiedoll were beside him, and there was someone bending over him, and a tube coming out of Kanda's nose. One look at her childhood friend told her that something was very, very wrong with him that went beyond his transition back to his old self.

She let out a gasp, her hands nearly covering her face.


sh_hereisgone April 18 2008, 18:10:12 UTC
Daisya turned at the sound and nearly snarled as he rushed towards her, shaking his head. "No," he snapped, worry and fear setting him on edge. "I don't want you seein' him like this an' I know he wouldn't want it either. C'mon."

He put his hands on her shoulders and tried to guide her towards the stairs, anxious and trembling. "C'mon. Let's go. You should be restin' anyway."


causticguy April 18 2008, 19:25:46 UTC
The sound of footsteps on the stairs hadn't been what caught House's attention. The sound of the gasping voice and Daisya's sudden movement were what did. Snapped out of his thoughts, House looked around to see the girl standing by the foot of the stairs, and yes of course he recognized her and of course he knew that they'd told him that the guy on the couch with the painters smock and the blood was supposed to have been her-or she was him, or something-when he'd treated his/her knee…but actually seeing the girl (knee apparently uninjured, he noted, to judge by the way that she moved) had a way of solidifying things.

House watched Daisya try to turn the girl back upstairs, and yeah he got that maybe none of them wanted her seeing this, but he hadn't missed the 'should be resting' comment or the oversized robe, which meant that she was apparently convalescing from something and wasn't supposed to be out of bed, and there was no way that that was just a coincidence ( ... )


hiheelboots April 18 2008, 22:09:15 UTC
Lenalee recognized the name -- this was Daisya's friend. That the thought was even registering in her panicked mind was nothing short of a miracle. Her eyes went from Tiedoll to Daisya to the doctor, unable to linger on Kanda and register the full horror of what was happening to him. And she said the first thing that came into her head, in a small voice: "Doctor, is he going to die?"


causticguy April 20 2008, 03:48:06 UTC
House was already limping over to the door as she spoke, pushing it open with his cane and peering out, looking for their two errant attendees. "You can come back now," he called to them. "She's all done talking about her girlie bits."

He cast a glance back at Lenalee who's mortification, he knew, was probably about to go through the roof. At least, he figured, she'd be in good company. "Now I'm gonna talk about them."


sh_hereisgone April 20 2008, 03:55:51 UTC
Daisya returned fairly quickly and bit his lip. "Did it help?" he asked anxiously.


makerofeden April 20 2008, 03:58:50 UTC
"I am sure Miss Lenalee was able to provide ample more information than either of us could, Daisya. No need to worry." he placed his hand on his student's head, as if sensing the other's anxiety and was trying to calm him like a parent to their child.

But, that still didn't change the fact he did want to teach Dr. House some manners, because if Tiedoll had any feather's ruffled by the other man's slightly crass comment on 'girlie bits' he sure didn't show it.


causticguy April 20 2008, 04:13:03 UTC
"Yeah, yeah, yeah," House said a little impatiently as the two returned. "He's all better. Have a seat. Or, you know, don't, but if either one of you faints, I am not the clean-up crew."

He waited for the initial wave of relief that would probably come with this statement to pass: he wanted their undivided attention for the explanation.


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