[Open] Kanda Comes Home

Apr 14, 2008 18:34

WHO: Yu Kanda, Daisya Barry, Lenalee Lee, Froi Tiedoll, Gregory House
WHAT: Kanda is in a lot of damn trouble.
WHERE: Exorcist's Home
WHEN: The day the SOS Brigade returns from the jungle.

If the young Exorcist boy-turned-girl-back-to-boy had learned about what had happened while he was comatose, he would have pitched a fit. As it was, Yu Kanda could barely think on his own, much less move. He wasn't even aware of his surroundings, even though his eyes had been open.

The first thing he became aware of had been the warm sun in his face and strong arms holding him. The world was an endless blanket of fog that slowly drifted away. Blurry shadows began to materialize and take on concrete form. He felt sick, extremely sick, and in subconscious desperation, he pushed the bile back down his throat.

He closed his eyes again, realizing that staring at all the abstract shapes around him was causing this drastic disturbance in equilibrium, thus making him so nauseous. He settled his head against what felt to be the body of another person, that person who must be carrying him, if he was being carried. He closed his eyes and softly inhaled the familiar scent, but he passed out again before he could give it an identity.

Ω daisya barry, Ω kanda yuu, Ω gregory house, Ω lenalee lee, Ω froi tiedoll

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