
Apr 14, 2008 21:49

WHO: Tickles Mitch and Hot Cross Buns.
WHAT: Wounds need tending.
WHERE: Cross's place.
WHEN: After the return, in piss-poor shape, of Cross's team.

Of course, Tyki Mikk did not expect an Exorcist General to show any gratitude at all.

But he had just been through an ordeal, and it had been emotionally trying! A certain amount of human decency was required, and Tyki knew all about human decency. After all, human emotions and the expression thereof were fascinating to him. He had spent a great deal of time studying them.

Humming through his annoyance, Tyki dipped the washcloth in the hot water, and paused for a moment to test the temperature. There was no need to become a barbarian to join barbarians. Rise above the moment, he thought, and hummed a little louder. He was making himself laugh, and it cut through the annoyance, until it was nothing more than a vague memory.

What did it matter, really? If they did not work together, perhaps Tyki would have to contact this Batman character.

Just kidding.

"Do not bite the hand that heals you," he cautioned softly, and touched his fingertips to Cross's brow, sweeping the hair back from his forehead while avoiding the bruising and the cuts marring the flesh. "And do please hold still."

place - jackal's cask, ! side plot, Ω tyki mikk, Ω cross marian

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