Hamano Jennifer Meets a Who (and cheers up a Princess ♥!) [COMPLETE]

Apr 08, 2008 23:11

WHO: Hamano Jennifer (Mama), Jojo (Helper), Shibuya Yuuri (Son), Wolfram von Bielefeld (Fiancé), and Giselle (Damsel in Distress)!
WHAT: Jennifer cheering up a weepy inch-high Who and a girl in a woman's body with the beautiful love of her son and his (male) fiancé
WHERE: Crimson Dragon and its kitchen
WHEN: Evening of this extremely long day (Day 27)

Jennifer hummed happily as she worked in the kitchen, setting out all of her ingredients that she'd acquired in the market just an hour ago. She was excited by the prospect of having a little helper - literally little - to aid her in making the meal before Gize-chan or Yu-chan or Wolf-chan showed up to eat.

Never mind the fact that the cook was still standing off to the side, watching in confusion as the Japanese woman had walked right into the kitchen as if she owned it and declared she would be making dinner and pay her no mind and "Well the Queen prides hospitality above all else, doesn't she? Then surely she wouldn't mind this one little bit ~♥!"

Ω danny fenton, Ω shibuya yuuri, place - crimson dragon inn, Ω wolfram von bielefeld, Ω giselle, Ω jojo, Ω maximum ride, Ω suou tamaki, Ω hamano jennifer

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