Every night my dream's the same, same old city with a different name

Mar 07, 2010 13:04

WHO: Jan Valentine/bitchin_beanie AND YOU!
WHAT: Anyone want to come laugh at a caged jerk? Here's your chance!
WHERE: City jail
WHEN: Any time from now until when he first for there, back in December!

men are coming to take me away, i don't know why but i know i can't stay )

bridget frostheart, jan valentine, richard, gabriel "sylar" gray, nill, miranda lotto, !open, Ω oc - apollo mustow

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Comments 51

crazy4pwr March 16 2010, 03:14:11 UTC
Sylar sat focusing on anything in the room that could move. Over the past couple weeks he'd begun to start getting through whatever seals were stopping his powers, but he still could only move some small objects here and there and couldn't even do anything to the actual cell. The only thing that his powers consistently worked on was himself: he could heal, he could move super fast again, and he could make lightning and ice go around his palms (couldn't shoot or freeze any parts of the cell though ( ... )


bitchin_beanie March 16 2010, 07:52:04 UTC
Jan was aware, of course, the instant blood hit the air. What kind of starving vampire would he be if he couldn't tell that much? Golden eyes had slitted open in the darkness of his slump against the farthest cell wall, and it took no time at all to pick out not only the man across from him, but what he was doing, too.


"You fuckin' bet I do," he said, sounding at least marginally cheerful. Not quite the level that he managed to muster while he was out in the rest of the world, instead of behind these fucking bars, but marginally cheerful was marginally cheerful. Despite that, though, he didn't bother getting up. "Question is whether or not I gotta get up for that shit or not."

Or, more specifically, the question was whether or not a guy like this would actually donate, or just tease. Jan was willing to bet there was a pretty good chance of the latter -- but he also knew he was fucking hungry, and a whole lot more willing than not to take the gamble. Fuck pride, that shit smelled good.


rosereddaughter March 16 2010, 22:35:10 UTC
Bridget really wasn't sure why she was doing this. Oh wait, something about curiosity killed the cat and satisfaction bringing it back. The woman didn't have anything else to do besides chase rumors of vigilantes, throw drunks out of the bar, hunt and train in the jungle, and pester a certain grumpy pokemon. That left hunting down other vampires nestled around the city. One of supposed vampire was so handily sitting in a little cell just waiting for her.

Her heels gave away her approach long before she came around into view of course. Even if they were sturdy boots rather than strappy little things like she'd arrived in, Bridget had worn heels so long she had difficulties with flats sometimes. Her current dress was a bit higher cut and had an almost gothic elegance despite the slits going almost up to her hips on either side. Blue eyes spotted the sprawled figure immediately.

"I do hope you are still sane, it makes conversing a little more interesting." She commented while coming to a stop just outside the bars.


bitchin_beanie March 17 2010, 01:23:55 UTC
Jan perked at the sound of heels approaching. It wasn't like there were exactly many visitors down here, and he'd come to know the sound of the guards' footsteps pretty fucking good. That? That wasn't a guard. That sounded kinda like a chick, actually.

He made no attempt not to chick out Bridget as she came into sight, cocked his head a little for a curious study of her. Not bad. Not what he usually went for, but not too fucking bad. He allowed himself a half a grin, but didn't bother standing up.

"Maybe just a little less sane'n when I started out in here, but that wasn't much to brag about in the first place." The grin widened a little. "Who the fuck're you?"


Jan just got popular! rosereddaughter March 17 2010, 04:19:11 UTC
Bridget gave Jan a good examination herself, though hers was more of a look of detachment rather than admiration. Just great, someone who'd fit right in down at the bar. "At least you're coherent then, even if you aren't sane. One out of two is better than nothing." She said dryly and crossed her arms.

"Bridget." She didn't offer a last name, she didn't need to. Instead she turned her head to look down the line at the other prisoners for a moment or two. "True, it isn't exactly decked in good taste. What did you do to end up in a menagerie like this?" Pretending to let her attention wander, Bridget was actually quite aware of any specific areas Jan's attention lingered or any stiffening that would warn of movement.


don't you know, all the cool kids are visiting jan these days bitchin_beanie March 17 2010, 07:22:22 UTC
Bridget. Had he ever seen her on the journals? Jan wasn't sure, but he didn't think so. She sure as hell didn't look like a native though, which he figured meant she was new. Shit. Just how long had he been down here?

He finally pushed himself to his feet, but didn't move forward from the back of the cell. Still studying her, still making no effort to hide it, Jan cracked another grin. "Ate some fuckers," he said airily, waving a hand dismissively. And then, "Actually, ate a lot of fuckers. Took the cuntwads around here long enough to catch on!"


oldclock March 17 2010, 01:16:09 UTC
She didn’t know what prompted her to visit him. Miranda didn’t know Jan particularly well -- just well enough to know it was probably a good idea to stay away from him. Especially when ... well, there wasn’t really anyone to come to her rescue anymore. Which... odd as it may have sounded, could have been part of the reason she were visiting. She hadn’t seen Jan since they’d been stuck in that weird maze together -- and... well, despite past meetings, he hadn’t been that bad aside from the teasing, which had seemed to die down by the time they’d gotten back to the city(or jail, apparently).

But she wasn’t exactly going to take the risk of going empty handed -- miserable as she felt(and... looked, really), she didn’t need a repeat of her second day on the island. Really didn’t need it ( ... )


bitchin_beanie March 17 2010, 01:32:02 UTC
Jan wasn't sure if he'd been asleep or not. He spent a lot of time not sure if he was awake or not, mostly because it didn't matter too much if he was awake or not. Either way, this time around he didn't hear any approaching footsteps like he usually did. This time he opened his eyes and there was company. He blinked, puzzled, and it took him a few seconds to place the voice and the half-seen face.

"Fuckin'..." He frowned, thought a little harder, and then had it. "Twitchy bitch! That's right. The fuck're you doin' here?"

He was grinning as he asked it -- a real grin. Miranda might not have been his best friend on the island, but shit, at least she was someone. And it was good to see fucking anyone.i


oldclock March 17 2010, 01:41:52 UTC
Miranda cringed at the name. Or, nickname, rather. But it was easy to put her down at the moment, as others had noticed. And, well, witnessed. “It’s M... Miranda,” She corrected, her voice quiet as she looked down at the ground where the bars met cement. Finally, she lifted her gaze a little to look across the cell at him.

“I’m... not sure, myself. There’s not much else to do, really...” She mumbled, her fingers trembling slightly as she moved one hand to grasp at the strap of her bag. “I remembered you were here, and I... guess I thought... I’d visit.” Maybe he wouldn’t be so bad, she thought. Hoped. Maybe he wouldn’t harass her. But she shouldn’t jynx it, really.


bitchin_beanie March 17 2010, 07:17:38 UTC
"Miranda," he said firmly, and added, "The twitchy bitch." But his grin wasn't entirely malicious, and he even went so far as to push himself, with some effort, to his feet. He came to the bars, hovering just a few steps away from them. He didn't wanna scare her away, no matter how many toothy grins he flashed. Shit, company wasn't exactly common down here. He was afraid he'd do a lot to keep her there for a little longer, if it meant some real conversation.

"Guess I can't complain!" he said brightly, and gestured to the rows of empty cells around him. Empty since Nightwing had been spirited away -- empty way too fucking long, as far as he was concerned. "Some company's better'n no company. What the fuck's going on out there, anyway? The place caught on fire yet without me?"


wingsnotwords March 17 2010, 01:27:26 UTC
It had taken her a while to realize that the man in the prison was someone she’d met. Someone she thought was rather funny and interesting to be around. And ... well, Nill didn’t know if he were a good guy or bad, but he’d always been nice to her -- that was something, wasn’t it?

Heine followed closely at her side as she walked slowly, quietly, though the halls, her bag hanging over her shoulders. It was an almost comical sight; she looked like some sort of doll, while the prisons looked so ... hellish and dirty. Even Heine’s white coat of fur stood out in bright contrast.

There was a sharp snap from the dog -- a growl, almost a bark but not quite. And then Nill was standing just on the other side of the bars, tucking her skirt behind her knees as she crouched down so she was almost at Jan’s level -- a few feet away, but it was the gesture that counted, maybe.


bitchin_beanie March 17 2010, 05:59:56 UTC
It was the almost-bark that got his attention. Jan jolted awake, blinking a few times. He ran through the mental checklist, trying to figure out what'd changed. Still in prison? Check. Still locked up? Check. Still alone? Ch--no, wait.

He found himself grinning at the sight of the little blond chick. From the journals, of course. And from that weird fucking mistletoe month, too. He stayed where he was, but at least made the effort to sit up a little straighter. He had company and shit, after all. "Heeeey!" He gave a half a lazy wave. "Nilla fuckin' Wafer! You run outta friends out there?"


wingsnotwords March 17 2010, 06:52:39 UTC
Nill's expression lifted slightly when Jan acknowledged her. She lifted one hand from her knee to wave a little. The dog flopped itself down at her side, dropping his head onto his paws.

Shifting slightly so her knees and chins were flat against the ground, Nill tilted her head to the side as she watched Jan. It was an almost quizzical look, like she were wondering what had happened, or how long he'd been here. At his question, she shook her head, puffing her cheeks out a little in disagreement. There was the small twitch and flutter of her wings before her cheeks deflated and an almost worried expression took over.


bitchin_beanie March 17 2010, 07:27:28 UTC
Mute, right. How could he forget something like that? One of those people that just left that many more words up to Jan -- not that he minded. He never had a shortage of them, and especially not now, after being alone so goddamn long.

"No?" he asked, recalling as well that there were a dozen little signs the girl gave as to what she meant to say. He was just willing enough to look for them all, too. He didn't usually have that sort of patience, but it was vaguely amazing the good mood that having guests put him in. "Just stopped in to laugh at me, huh? That's cool! I'd laugh at me too! You want I should do some tricks, maybe make your stay a little more rewarding?"

He hadn't missed that almost worry, hadn't missed that clear curiosity. He knew well enough what it meant, could figure from that why she was here, looking so goddamn out of place in the dingy darkness. But he wouldn't admit to that, and he would never admit to appreciating it. That was the sort of secret he'd be taking to his fucking grave.


gungoddess March 18 2010, 04:33:45 UTC
It was the sound of her heels on the concrete that gave away her approach. (Not that Jan was likely able to distinguish between her shoes and the the shoes of the other women in this city, but still -- someone was coming, at least.)

"Well, well, Starfish."

Apollo's pointy little teeth were showing in her smile by the time she reached the place she was looking for. She rested one hand on her hip while standing just outside the bars that held her darling vampire friend, all but waiting for Jan to give her the moment to effectively tease him. "How the hell'd you manage to get your ass landed in this dump?"


bitchin_beanie March 19 2010, 05:02:00 UTC
Jan perked at the sound of heels. He couldn't help it. Heels like that meant a chick, and chicks were pretty much always good news. He was glancing up hopefully when Apollo came into sight, and she brought a wide grin to his face as soon as she did. Not just a chick, but one of his favorite fucking chicks.

"Fuckin' sugartits! Imagine that." He pushed himself to his feet, still grinning, but kept a lazy lean against the back wall. "Didn'tcha hear? Fuckin' asshole spread that shit all over the goddamn journals."


gungoddess March 19 2010, 16:12:27 UTC
"Hmm~ oh, what?" The redhead slipped her arms in between the spaces of the bars so that she could rest her elbows on one of the horizontal bars of the door, the stupid amount of mostly gold bracelets jangling against each other when she moved. "That entry where your inner most monster was revealed to the world?"

Apollo pouted and made a little disapproving sort of noise. "Well fuck, they sure screwed you up the ass, huh? Good job, retard."

Tough love. It was all totally tough love.


bitchin_beanie March 19 2010, 20:08:19 UTC
"I know, right? I'm just surprised it took the fuckers this goddamn long t'catch on." Jan rolled his eyes as he said it, because he had to. Good job, retard, indeed. He'd said it to himself often enough since he got there. It was a little nice to hear it from someone else, too. He didn't need all his confident, toothy grins and posturing around Apollo, she'd poke that shit full of holes anyway.

He pushed nearer, moving to stand just in front of her, only the bars between them. One hand reached up to wrap a few fingers around the bars to hold his lazy lean in place, and the other reached up to wiggle its fingers. "Check it out. Sprouted another fuckin' arm while I was in here, at least."


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