Every night my dream's the same, same old city with a different name

Mar 07, 2010 13:04

WHO: Jan Valentine/bitchin_beanie AND YOU!
WHAT: Anyone want to come laugh at a caged jerk? Here's your chance!
WHERE: City jail
WHEN: Any time from now until when he first for there, back in December!

men are coming to take me away, i don't know why but i know i can't stay )

bridget frostheart, jan valentine, richard, gabriel "sylar" gray, nill, miranda lotto, !open, Ω oc - apollo mustow

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gungoddess March 18 2010, 04:33:45 UTC
It was the sound of her heels on the concrete that gave away her approach. (Not that Jan was likely able to distinguish between her shoes and the the shoes of the other women in this city, but still -- someone was coming, at least.)

"Well, well, Starfish."

Apollo's pointy little teeth were showing in her smile by the time she reached the place she was looking for. She rested one hand on her hip while standing just outside the bars that held her darling vampire friend, all but waiting for Jan to give her the moment to effectively tease him. "How the hell'd you manage to get your ass landed in this dump?"


bitchin_beanie March 19 2010, 05:02:00 UTC
Jan perked at the sound of heels. He couldn't help it. Heels like that meant a chick, and chicks were pretty much always good news. He was glancing up hopefully when Apollo came into sight, and she brought a wide grin to his face as soon as she did. Not just a chick, but one of his favorite fucking chicks.

"Fuckin' sugartits! Imagine that." He pushed himself to his feet, still grinning, but kept a lazy lean against the back wall. "Didn'tcha hear? Fuckin' asshole spread that shit all over the goddamn journals."


gungoddess March 19 2010, 16:12:27 UTC
"Hmm~ oh, what?" The redhead slipped her arms in between the spaces of the bars so that she could rest her elbows on one of the horizontal bars of the door, the stupid amount of mostly gold bracelets jangling against each other when she moved. "That entry where your inner most monster was revealed to the world?"

Apollo pouted and made a little disapproving sort of noise. "Well fuck, they sure screwed you up the ass, huh? Good job, retard."

Tough love. It was all totally tough love.


bitchin_beanie March 19 2010, 20:08:19 UTC
"I know, right? I'm just surprised it took the fuckers this goddamn long t'catch on." Jan rolled his eyes as he said it, because he had to. Good job, retard, indeed. He'd said it to himself often enough since he got there. It was a little nice to hear it from someone else, too. He didn't need all his confident, toothy grins and posturing around Apollo, she'd poke that shit full of holes anyway.

He pushed nearer, moving to stand just in front of her, only the bars between them. One hand reached up to wrap a few fingers around the bars to hold his lazy lean in place, and the other reached up to wiggle its fingers. "Check it out. Sprouted another fuckin' arm while I was in here, at least."


gungoddess March 20 2010, 06:58:46 UTC
"But caught on they did, and here we are, boytoy locked away from his gunslinger goddess, future uncertain!" Her voice had definitely gone back to a mocking tone, but she did heave a little sigh after she spoke. "Gonna be bored without you, doll. Eeeeven though you're a bad, bad man."

Apollo was watching Jan use his fingers then, only mildly intrigued. "Seriously, how many times have you lost your goddamn arms by now anyway?"


bitchin_beanie March 21 2010, 05:43:30 UTC
Jan only grinned at the mocking. Christ, he'd missed this chick. But, hell, she was here now -- Jan figured he didn't have to do much missing anymore, at least not for the next few minutes.

"Just once!" he said, sounding a touch defensive, and then thought a little harder on it. "Well," he amended with a frown, "Twice, if you're counting back fuckin' home. That count? Once in this place, anyway."


gungoddess March 21 2010, 07:26:24 UTC
"Two!" The woman sounded a little bit surprised. "Pfft, anti-climatic; thought it'd be more." A pause. "Still better than me." She extended her left wing and shook it a little to emphasize, considering that it, well, wasn't fully there anymore. And hey, that was probably the first time Apollo was okay enough with the flaw to acknowledge it.

"Too bad I can't bite you and extract your starfish abilities. That'd be pretty wicked."


bitchin_beanie March 21 2010, 18:15:16 UTC
"Guess you could try." Jan said it with a lazy little grin, leaning closer to the bars as he did. He was pretty fucking sure it wouldn't work, but hell. No one said it wouldn't be an interesting experience.

"I kinda like it, though," he added, a little thoughtfully. He'd always been of the opinion that chicks with scars were hot -- showed they'd been around, lived a little. Of course, there was no way he was throwing out a compliment like that, so instead he said, "Makes it easier t'tell you and Ba'ast apart."


gungoddess March 21 2010, 18:40:55 UTC
Apollo grinned, amused by the reaction. "Don't tempt me."

She folded her wings to her back again, her amused sort of look still present as Jan went on. "You have trouble telling us apart?" The laugh that followed was unavoidable. "We're not that similar..." For a moment there, a thoughtful sort of look crossed her face. "...are we?"

"In any case, she usually wears less clothes than me." Apollo stood up a little straighter and held up her arms, which were covered by billowy white sleeves. "Some Aziza thing, I dunno."


bitchin_beanie March 21 2010, 19:11:30 UTC
"Both hot," Jan explained, cocking his head thoughtfully. "Both got red hair, sorta. Both got good tits." He added a grin and a shrug. "Ain't like I look at much else, so from where I stand you chicks are fuckin' identical sisters."

Of course there were differences. Differences in faces, differences in heights and builds. Differences in personalities, above all else. And, of course, Jan was the last person to ever bring anything like that up. The image of the sex-obsessed pig of an asshole was way preferred to looking like he cared enough to pay attention to the little details. And besides that, he didn't think Apollo would particularly mind the image. It wasn't like he ever pretended to be anything else, after all.


gungoddess March 22 2010, 00:28:16 UTC
"Not the identical one." Some of the enthusiasm in her smile seemed to fade at 'identical sisters', but she nonetheless remained her usual cheery self. Nothing stopped the woman, though sometimes there were memories and things that momentarily slowed her down. "But sisters of soul and skies and love, definitely."

A laugh.

"So you gonna miss us as much as we're gonna miss you or what?"


bitchin_beanie March 22 2010, 21:04:20 UTC
Well that was pretty gay. Jan made a face at the soul, sky, and love bullshit, but figured he'd let it slide. Just this once. This was Apollo, after all, she was entitled to a few gay moments before she lost any awesome points, the way he figured it.

"Little more," he said, somewhat thoughtfully. "I mean, ain't like I got much to do but sit around and wish I were fucking you bitches, while you guys got the whole goddamn island t'keep your asses distracted."


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