Every night my dream's the same, same old city with a different name

Mar 07, 2010 13:04

WHO: Jan Valentine/bitchin_beanie AND YOU!
WHAT: Anyone want to come laugh at a caged jerk? Here's your chance!
WHERE: City jail
WHEN: Any time from now until when he first for there, back in December!

men are coming to take me away, i don't know why but i know i can't stay )

bridget frostheart, jan valentine, richard, gabriel "sylar" gray, nill, miranda lotto, !open, Ω oc - apollo mustow

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rosereddaughter March 16 2010, 22:35:10 UTC
Bridget really wasn't sure why she was doing this. Oh wait, something about curiosity killed the cat and satisfaction bringing it back. The woman didn't have anything else to do besides chase rumors of vigilantes, throw drunks out of the bar, hunt and train in the jungle, and pester a certain grumpy pokemon. That left hunting down other vampires nestled around the city. One of supposed vampire was so handily sitting in a little cell just waiting for her.

Her heels gave away her approach long before she came around into view of course. Even if they were sturdy boots rather than strappy little things like she'd arrived in, Bridget had worn heels so long she had difficulties with flats sometimes. Her current dress was a bit higher cut and had an almost gothic elegance despite the slits going almost up to her hips on either side. Blue eyes spotted the sprawled figure immediately.

"I do hope you are still sane, it makes conversing a little more interesting." She commented while coming to a stop just outside the bars.


bitchin_beanie March 17 2010, 01:23:55 UTC
Jan perked at the sound of heels approaching. It wasn't like there were exactly many visitors down here, and he'd come to know the sound of the guards' footsteps pretty fucking good. That? That wasn't a guard. That sounded kinda like a chick, actually.

He made no attempt not to chick out Bridget as she came into sight, cocked his head a little for a curious study of her. Not bad. Not what he usually went for, but not too fucking bad. He allowed himself a half a grin, but didn't bother standing up.

"Maybe just a little less sane'n when I started out in here, but that wasn't much to brag about in the first place." The grin widened a little. "Who the fuck're you?"


Jan just got popular! rosereddaughter March 17 2010, 04:19:11 UTC
Bridget gave Jan a good examination herself, though hers was more of a look of detachment rather than admiration. Just great, someone who'd fit right in down at the bar. "At least you're coherent then, even if you aren't sane. One out of two is better than nothing." She said dryly and crossed her arms.

"Bridget." She didn't offer a last name, she didn't need to. Instead she turned her head to look down the line at the other prisoners for a moment or two. "True, it isn't exactly decked in good taste. What did you do to end up in a menagerie like this?" Pretending to let her attention wander, Bridget was actually quite aware of any specific areas Jan's attention lingered or any stiffening that would warn of movement.


don't you know, all the cool kids are visiting jan these days bitchin_beanie March 17 2010, 07:22:22 UTC
Bridget. Had he ever seen her on the journals? Jan wasn't sure, but he didn't think so. She sure as hell didn't look like a native though, which he figured meant she was new. Shit. Just how long had he been down here?

He finally pushed himself to his feet, but didn't move forward from the back of the cell. Still studying her, still making no effort to hide it, Jan cracked another grin. "Ate some fuckers," he said airily, waving a hand dismissively. And then, "Actually, ate a lot of fuckers. Took the cuntwads around here long enough to catch on!"


rosereddaughter March 21 2010, 05:18:43 UTC
"Fascinating." Bridget murmured to herself and looked back at Jan with the look of someone eying a two-headed lizard at the zoo. A vampire that actually drank blood just like she'd overheard. Well, she supposed there were humans with cannibalistic tendencies, but it didn't seem like a case of that here.

"The government's ability to keep law in the city does seem rather lacking." Bridget smiled slightly, then uncrossed her arms so she could run light fingertips over the bars in front of her. "Though, it is the first time I've met a blood-drinking vampire. Perhaps it was a first for them as well."


bitchin_beanie March 21 2010, 05:40:07 UTC
"Or maybe I'm just that fuckin' good at dodging the law, yeah?" It was said with another of those wide, vulgar grins, but Jan's attention wasn't exactly on his own words. Just who the fuck was this chick? He eyed her fingers on the bars, mind immediately going to sex. How could it not? He'd been locked up way too long, she was reasonably hot, what more did he need?

An oddity distracted him though, and he blinked as he pried his mind off of its favorite topic. "The hell else would a vampire drink?" he demanded. "Fuckin' root beer floats?"


rosereddaughter March 21 2010, 06:09:14 UTC
Bridget paused deliberately before... "Must be difficult to avoid incompetent and under-trained children." Oh, yeah, she just went there. Jan's wild grin and cocky attitude didn't phase her, perhaps she was lying about him being her first vampire? That had been Lestat, of course. She should go visit him sometime...

Her fingers stopped at the comment of root beer floats. Mmm, she missed those. "Why not? They are rather good even if they have too much sugar."


bitchin_beanie March 21 2010, 06:16:39 UTC
Jan gritted his teeth a little at her first comment -- but he saw the trap. Fuck if he was gonna be caught defending the assholes that'd thrown him in here, not even for his own pride. Not that he had too much of that in the first place, of course. He passed over it instead, in favor of cocking a brow at the chick.

"Cuz they ain't made with fuckin' blood?" he asked, sounding caught somewhere between sarcasm and genuine bemusement. Did she know fucking anything about vampires? "Last time I checked, anyway. Maybe they changed that shit up since I got here."


rosereddaughter March 21 2010, 06:30:15 UTC
"If it had blood in it, would it still be a root beer float?" Bridget asked with open amusement. He wasn't going for her taunting about his capture, rather smart of him. It probably wouldn't last if she really riled him up, but that wasn't the reason she'd come. But who said she couldn't have a bit of fun playing with him while she was there? Thank goodness Bridget had some self-control when it came to things like that, she promised herself to only bait him a little before letting him in on the secret.


bitchin_beanie March 21 2010, 18:12:28 UTC
"Sure, I guess." Jan didn't have to think about it too hard -- rather, he was more curious as to what'd drive a stranger to go visit some asshole in a prison just to talk about fucking root beer floats. The island had picked up some weird people since he'd been out, hadn't it? He cocked his head, added somewhat thoughtfully, "Just cuz you spill your fuckin' mustard on your fries when you're aimin' for your burger, doesn't mean they're suddenly not fries."

Christ, Jan was talking about root beer floats and mustard on fries. He really had been locked away too fucking long.


rosereddaughter March 22 2010, 03:57:17 UTC
"But if it doesn't have any root beer..." Bridget started, then trailed off when her shoulders began to shake. One hand covered her mouth as she tried to hold it in while failing miserably. She even though she was just making some muffled sounds, Bridget hadn't laughed so much in... well, a very long time. It took her a few minutes to calm down again and wipe her eyes.

"In any case, I found out what I needed to. At least with you stuck in here I won't have to keep a close eye on you just yet." She reached behind her neck and after a few moments she pulled out a long, thin drinking flask and tossed it through the bars at him. One fabulous use for her hair, nobody noticed if she stuck things down the back of her dress. "Here, I found it on accident during my explorations." Stupid spring, if she wasn't as cautious as she was Bridget would have actually drank some before realizing it was blood rather than water.


bitchin_beanie March 22 2010, 20:59:10 UTC
This chick was fucking weird. Jan had cocked his head curiously to watch her sort-of-laugh, trying to figure out what to make of her. It didn't look like she actually wanted anything, so that was kinda fucking odd. Secondly, he didn't even know her, and third, why the hell did she keep talking about vampires like she knew them, but then seemed surprised to find one drinking blood?

He was pretty fortunately distracted from his thoughts when she tossed something at him, and he caught it instinctively. A flask. He was about to scoff and toss it back again, but paused at a familiar scent before he could make any move to.

A really familiar scent, actually.

Jan twisted the cap off and took first one drink, then a long pull from it. "Aww, shit." A grin crept across his face, and he looked at Bridget with a little more appreciation. "I like you!"


rosereddaughter March 22 2010, 22:05:26 UTC
"Of course you do." Bridget stated while flipping some hair back over her shoulder with one hand. "I'm a dominating older woman, one who will be quite unhappy should there be a vampire hunt started out in the city due to the actions of an individual."

Her eyes grew quite a bit sharper than before as she watched him drink with enthusiasm, perhaps looking just slightly cat-like for a few moments. She made a mental note to make deliveries like this at least once or twice a month. It would keep him sane without reviving his vitality hopefully.


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