( Complete ) In which Tira murders Edward Elric. Yes.

Apr 06, 2008 23:20

WHO: Tira and Edward Elric.
WHAT: Tira finally kills her first human victim in Rivelata.
WHEN: Sometime at night. Because. No one ever has a horrific death in the daytime.

NOTES: Alright so, Ed was kicked due to inactivity and Andrei gave me permission to have Tira kill him off. So here we are. With Ed's death, courtesy of Tira the insane killer. ♥ So yes, there is blood and gore and a Fufu version of Ed. THERE ARE YOUR WARNINGS.

Tira was a killer, no matter where she went. Every person she saw she would envision their death -- whether it be bloody or peaceful. Even for those she took a liking to, that sick fantasy would always run by her mind at least once, at least for a second.

But Tira had not killed anyone in Rivelata yet. She had killed sea monsters and animals, she had heavily wounded another human, but she had not yet taken the life of another human. Oh how she itched to watch someone die at her hand! Never had she gone so long without satiating her horrific addiction. But tonight... tonight the winds seemed to be changing. She could smell the impending death that loomed in the future.

Perhaps it was just her insanity that led her to believe such a thing, but she felt it nonetheless. And so she stalked through the night looking for that lucky victim until the dark streets brought her to Husband's Alley. Purple eyes peered down the alleyway curiously as she stood at the top of the stairs, Aislne Drossel held tightly in her hands. And then -- she saw it. She saw him. Walking down the stairs, back facing her, hands shoved into his pockets, begging for her blade on his skin.

If there had ever been a case of being at the wrong place at the wrong time in Edward Elric's life, it would be now.

A wicked smile spread across Tira's face and she immediately readied her weapon. In a flash she had launched herself from the street to the stairs in a great running leap. The way she moved was incredible and it took her mere seconds to reach Edward, ring blade swinging out and slashing across his back. The boy yelped, was knocked to the ground and fell down a few more stairs while his attacker's wonderful footing allowed her to regain her balance only seven steps above him. She was in a battle stance -- and laughing.

"What the fuck is your problem?!" Edward yelled at her, immediately moving to stand and fight back. Tira's vicious eyes watched and she lunged forward, hitting him again the second he was on his feet. But something blocked her attack -- why was his right arm not bleeding or severed? The tear in his coat revealed to her that his arm was metal. Strange. But that was a problem easily worked around. "I'll just have to cut off your little head then, won't I? After all, your neck isn't metal!" And with that, Tira had lunged forward again, swinging her ring blade dangerously and moving with the agility of a cat.

It seemed Tira had a distinct advantage here; even though she was met with a fiery and ferocious counterattack from the boy each time she attacked. But Edward was without his alchemy and Tira was ruthless in her attacks. Blood was starting to pour from wounds that appeared all over the boy's body and Tira was so quick that she was allowing little to no time for the blond boy to get to his feet as he fell down the stairs, helpless to her onslaught.

"Your blood isn't pretty enough!" She wailed childishly as she slashed his chest open again with her now-red blade. "Scream for me! Cry! Make it more exciting!"

"You're fucking insane!" Edward shouted at her, trying to roll away and get up -- only to be forced down again by a heavy kick to the chest. He was cursing at her, making noises, but it was not exactly what Tira wanted. Tira wanted to hear his blood-curling scream.

"Ba-bump ba-bump ba-bump, is that what your heart sounds like?" She shrieked excitedly. "Is it beating fast? Is it pounding in your ears? Do you want it to stop?" Edward screamed a violent "shut up" but Tira heard only the wailing of a dying teenager. "Are you scared of me?"

And so it continued on like this for another good minute -- Edward continuously falling down the stairs and Tira slicing him up as he went, following with perfect balance. Anytime Edward tried to stand he was forced back into the stone of the stairs by either a violent kick or swipe of the ring blade. A trail of blood lined the staircase, growing bigger and bigger as the stairs descended, smearing across the stone and splattering on walls when Tira's blow was particularity heavy.

And then, finally, the stairs ended. Edward fell and was slammed on his back against the concrete of the street. Bones were broken. Skin was sliced open everywhere. He was coughing up blood.

He could barely move.

Tira appeared above him then, feet on either side of his bleeding torso. His blood stained not only her blade, but her hands, stomach and even her neck as well. She stood, holding her bloodied weapon above her head, preparing to deliver the final blow. "I'm gonna kill you now, you ready?"

And just as Edward had started screaming out a loud, angry "fuck you", Tira slashed her blade down and silenced him immediately. Blood blossomed from that beautiful, severed neck, but it wasn't enough. She sliced the blade down again and again, hacking away at whatever pieces of flesh still connected the boy's head to his body. A bloody murder scene in the movie where the only music is that insane, terrible laugh of the villain. Witnesses hushed and hiding.

Then, she stopped. "Aw, you broke already!" The bloodied yet unharmed woman slung the ring blade over her shoulder like a sash, reached out and grabbed the severed head by the hair to hold it at eye level with her own face. "Oh well, I guess I'm done with you." She said in that childish voice of hers, carelessly tossing the head to the left as the women in Husband's Alley finally started to scream. Ignoring it all, Tira calmly crouched down and picked up a silver watch that had fallen from Edward's pocket. This would make a nice souvenir.

And then Tira took her leave, cheerfully skipping away with Edward's pocket watch swinging by the chain on her bloody little finger as Husband's Alley was left to chaos.

Ω tira, ! side plot, place - husband's alley, edward elric

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