
Nov 17, 2009 20:41

WHO: Tommy Elliot aka Jason Todd and Donna Troy aka Princess Sparklepants :3
WHAT: Jason just wants to talk and catch up on what's going on in the real world, honest.
WHERE: That pizza place in the market.
WHEN: After Donna's journal entry.

Jason is not an ex :| )

Ω donna troy, Ω jason todd

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SHH LET'S FORGET THAT identitywhat November 18 2009, 00:11:31 UTC
Her eyes narrowed and heated her glare at the younger man. The snide remarks from Jason Todd were always registered and belied by the fact that Donna Troy remembered him as a young man with a passionate protective streak over women -- especially disenfranchised and abused women. She'd take the lecherous streak more seriously if she hadn't had a great deal of respect for Jason being moved by more common street causes than your average hero, Gothamite heroes included.

Still, it was irksome. After her disapproving look at Jason, she exaggerated some fake and saccharine laughter at him, pulling out the chair across from his at the table Jason had been seated at, and tried to run her hand through her hair coolly. Instead, it ended up getting caught in the tangled mess of what it was -- and she began trying to yank her fingers free, before noting that it would take too much effort.

So she just... kept them there. In her hair. For now.

"You're so funny, Jason!" Her grin faded into an annoyed look, hand still just awkwardly positioned and entangled into her clumped locks. "I had a wild night. Before I got here, too."

She added, before he could quip: "Alone. By myself, I mean. Not with someone else."


WILL YOU FORGET THE SHOT TO THE FACE? tightpantsrawr November 18 2009, 00:51:43 UTC
Wow, that dichotomy between the sweet and sugary, loudly fake little act she was putting on for the surrounding people, and the firey glare and irritation he could see boiling underneath was just... very much Donna, and just as fun to provoke and prod at as always.

He watched her get her hand stuck and keep trying to keep up the conversation as if nothing was wrong, and just couldn't keep his sharply amused grin in check. Donna was hardly coming across as the perfect princess she so often tried to be. He thought that act was kind of pointless, really - she was just fine being who she was.

He held up his hands in a pacifying gesture. "Right, right, all by yourself. I couldn't possibly comment on what kind of wild things a girl could do all on her lonesome." Except that his wolfish expression was a comment all in itself. "It's Thomas Elliot as far as anyone not already in the know is concerned, okay? And Dickybird is calling himself Jimmy Olsen, although maybe jailbird would be more fitting right now."

Pause. Frown.

"And B is Clark Kent, but don't hold your horses for recognition there, he's not from our world. You know, we have brushes at our place, not to mention a free room. You really should consider coming back with me after dinner."


... Never. I HAVE TO HOLD A GRUDGE AGAINST YOU OR ELSE YOU BECOME ... LIKABLE AND ENDEARING identitywhat November 18 2009, 01:07:12 UTC
Mmhm, those comments would have earned the cruel wrath of her fist had she not been an old friend of Jason's. Waitwaitwait -- Dickybird? And he was...

"Jailbird?" Donna inquired lowly, glancing around, giving a hopeful tug at her hand but alas, it was still stuck. What the heck was in there!? A nest? "He's here? Don't tell me he's involved in whatever Roy got mixed up in." Her voice was losing its exasperation, and heading into den mother territorial protectiveness. All of these code names and false identities, and Donna had felt left out -- as she always was, in the codename department. Best just stick with Donna Troy, instead of adding on to another "phase" of whatever the heck she'd randomly decide to call herself.

"Or is this not the best place to explain things?"


identitywhat November 18 2009, 01:07:15 UTC
And with all of the vexing confusion, jarring disorientation, and scattered stream of consciousness, Donna's cheeks felt a familiar pang as they tried, in vain, to fight a very small smile as she looked at Jason Todd and listened to his invitation. The first smile she'd been given in a day, and she didn't know why it appeared or why it was persisting, so she tore her gaze away from him and concentrated on her hair.


*slowly extends tentacles of likeability - NO WAIT.* tightpantsrawr November 18 2009, 01:17:42 UTC
Jason's mouth quirked into something like a genuine smile in response, just for a second - then he was leaning forward to speak more seriously, low and quiet.

"No, he got himself into his own stupid jam. There was a fight with some guy who was trying to lobotomise," and there he paused for a moment, expression unreadable. "Impulse. The guy ended up dead, no loss to the world, but of course big bird handed himself in for it, even though it was accidental and all. So now he's sitting in a cell in the castle, waiting for things to get cleared up."

He leaned back a little and glanced around. "This is probably about as private as we can get without getting soaked or heading home, and I still owe you a pizza. What'll you be having?" Yes, he just included Donna in that home. What about it.


*SOMEWHAT ... ENTICED* identitywhat November 18 2009, 01:31:13 UTC
Jason didn't seem very smug about Dick being imprisoned, and Donna tried to search for concern or compassion in his tone. The Jason-spelunking came up empty, as the unreadable imprint on his countenance flickered and faded as the subject of pizza came up, and Donna's stomach practically jumped for joy. Or perhaps she was nauseous at the thought of Dick being held without trial; how this Island's justice system worked out, she hadn't a clue. Either way, her mind immediately scrambled and clung to irrational fantasies of breaking Dick out of prison, things she knew she had the ethical fiber and good sense not to attempt. Just yet, anyway.

It would be nice to have a break. In a nice bed. A bed, oh dear Hera she wasn't sure if she could be in one again without being encompassed with a sense of dread and paranoia and expectancy that a baby carriage would appear in her room again. She'd read enough books on coping with grief, on bereaved Mothers -- but she hadn't recalled hallucinations of animated corpses being in any of the pages.

"Veggie. Lots of black olives and mushrooms," Donna sighed, staring down at the glossy wood of the table. "I don't want to hear it if you're a mushroom-hater. I will defend them to the death."

The laugh she let out was tired. Very. Her eyes scanned for a restroom. Perhaps soaking her hair in the sink would help?


*JUST AS PLANNED >:3* tightpantsrawr November 18 2009, 01:43:36 UTC
Jason leaned on his hand, half-hiding the grin that just wasn't going away, and raised an eyebrow.

"I think I can deal with mushrooms and olives for your sake." He waved one hand at her. "You go disentangle yourself from yourself, there, and I'll go get it. Just make sure you're back from the bathroom before the food is cold, I hear that's a problem girls have sometimes."

Still completely terrible, still seemingly unsympathetic, but definitely not smug about Dick's situation, oddly enough. A by-product of being stuck on this cut-off little piece of land with his dear brother was that, grudgingly or not, they were almost getting along. Sometimes, at least.

Jason got up to go place the order, planning to order - well, he'd like beers, but somehow he felt sure Donna would prefer fruit juice, of the drinks available here. So that's what he got, veggie pizza and fruit juice. Practically healthy.


identitywhat November 18 2009, 02:12:47 UTC
She attempted a somewhat regal look at Jason, as if to say I am above your juvenile, sophomoric humor, but the look got lost on the way and stumbled into a fond smile paired with an eyeroll. She hadn't seen him since that entire multiverse fiasco, and since then ...how had she been doing? What had she been doing? Mostly, as much as she hated to admit it, nothing. Aside from dwelling on the past, and trying to understand why she was even alive when so many others never came back.

"I'll be quick, Tommy." She parted from her chair quickly, walking off to the little girl's room. A few minutes and quite the strenuous effort later, Donna Troy returned with her hair and shoulders soaked, victoriously waving her hand and its new-found freedom.

She made sure not to look in the mirror on her way back. The last thing she needed was to make ascertain that she looked as shitty as she had felt. As she passed Jason by, she trailed her finger against his chin lightly and affectionately, before settling down in her seat again. She flipped some of her hair over her shoulder, just to be annoying, and watched some of the water hit Jason in the face.

"Feels sooo much better!" Her tone was one of genuine delight.


tightpantsrawr November 18 2009, 02:35:47 UTC
Okay, the finger on his chin was new, but any reaction he might have had to that was quickly and literally washed away by the splash of water in his face. He sputtered theatrically and screwed up his face.

"Eugh, Donna - must you? Here I am without any towels. Leather is hardly the most absorbant material, you know." He nonetheless sets about rubbing his face... marginally drier with his sleeve. The waiter arrives with the pizza and drinks while Jason is busy with that, and he only spares a slight disparaging glance at the glorified rabbit food he's going to be sharing - the pizzas are really quite large, more than enough to split one, though obviously Donna will be taking the lion's share of this one.

"By the way, there's evidence to suggest I killed a hooker, but don't let that put you off your meal." ... Yes, that was perfect timing, Jason.


identitywhat November 18 2009, 02:58:47 UTC
"If I have to look and smell like a wet dog in public, I'm taking you down with me," Donna's shrug was playful, and the laughter that escaped her throat this time was a lot less forced, and a lot more melodious. "Sweet Sappho -- look at the size of that thing!"

Her eyes widened as she saw the pizza, fingers tensing before they found their way to the table, gripping. Most people would find this an overreaction to food.

Okay, it probably was, but that did not stop the woman from grabbing it, not minding how absolutely hot it was, and biting into a slice. A pleased noise elicited from her mouth, against the pizza, though soon she made a strangled one as she heard Jason speak again.

"You -- Hooker?!" She quickly covered her mouth as she gasped too hard, too fast, too soon, and inhaled a chunk of pizza. Let the coughing commence.


tightpantsrawr November 18 2009, 15:49:02 UTC
Jason laughed - just borderline nasty and self-satisfied, appreciating his revenge for the water. But he still stood up and moved around to smack her hard on the back to help her not to choke to death.

"Tsk tsk, don't you know better than to speak with your mouth full? Such awful table manners." He leaned down to speak more quietly, close to her ear. "She turned up dead with a very distinctive stab wound, not long after I'd been talking to her. Now, if I say I didn't do it, you'll believe me, won't you?"

It was more of an honest question than he made it sound.


identitywhat November 18 2009, 17:45:44 UTC
It was an embarrassing struggle with her lungs, but Jason's strong smacks to the back had actually helped -- tough treatment with a body as durable as hers was usually the only way to help. Eyes watering, she reached a hand over to her juice, quickly taking a sip and almost choking once again at Jason's question.

She was quiet for a while, taken aback. Not by any details of the incident, of course. She brushed some dampened bangs out of her face, side sweeping them as she looked at Jason as if he'd grown another head.

"It's me, Jason." Donna's voice, though still a bit raspy from her choking fit, sounded completely aghast, as if he'd just said the most audacious thing she'd ever heard. "Of course I'd believe you."


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