
Nov 17, 2009 20:41

WHO: Tommy Elliot aka Jason Todd and Donna Troy aka Princess Sparklepants :3
WHAT: Jason just wants to talk and catch up on what's going on in the real world, honest.
WHERE: That pizza place in the market.
WHEN: After Donna's journal entry.

Jason is not an ex :| )

Ω donna troy, Ω jason todd

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Comments 14

Princess... Sparklepants B| identitywhat November 17 2009, 22:26:05 UTC
Why there was even an ounce of relief weighed down upon the revelation that Jason Todd had been at this place, Donna wished she could not explain. She had wished from the core of her being that it was an inexplicable, abhorrent and completely visceral feeling that made her somewhat close to happy at the thought of seeing Jason -- well, alive, and hopefully without that damn hood. She had not known much of the happenings in Gotham, aside from snippets of correspondence with former Titan, Dick Grayson, and looking up in their database, but she'd known enough to feel a wave of disappointment.

And yet, Jason Todd was always sort of an enigma to her. She'd known him for so long, and yet she didn't know him at all. A part of her had always wanted to change that, but being around him sometimes served as a reminder, or even a reflection, of some of the more complicated and undefinable feelings she had about cheating death, and about the woman she used to be.

The outfit she had arrived in was ... not entirely appropriate, as warm as ( ... )


you know it's better than Re-Todd B) tightpantsrawr November 17 2009, 23:35:04 UTC
The fact that Jason was still wearing the same leather jacket, white (armoured) long-sleeved top and tight blue jeans as when they'd been running around with Bob The Inevitable Traitor might have been reassuring - the hood, in any form, was completely absent.

But the snarkiness was in full force. He notices her enter, of course, and spends an exaggeratedly long moment very obviously taking in her outfit. Or lack of one. The mud and general untidiness really didn't do anything to detract from things, in his view, as made evident when he lets out a low whistle.

"Why, Donna. You should have said you were dressed for more private affairs, I would've invited you back to my place." He smirks lightly.


SHH LET'S FORGET THAT identitywhat November 18 2009, 00:11:31 UTC
Her eyes narrowed and heated her glare at the younger man. The snide remarks from Jason Todd were always registered and belied by the fact that Donna Troy remembered him as a young man with a passionate protective streak over women -- especially disenfranchised and abused women. She'd take the lecherous streak more seriously if she hadn't had a great deal of respect for Jason being moved by more common street causes than your average hero, Gothamite heroes included ( ... )


WILL YOU FORGET THE SHOT TO THE FACE? tightpantsrawr November 18 2009, 00:51:43 UTC
Wow, that dichotomy between the sweet and sugary, loudly fake little act she was putting on for the surrounding people, and the firey glare and irritation he could see boiling underneath was just... very much Donna, and just as fun to provoke and prod at as always.

He watched her get her hand stuck and keep trying to keep up the conversation as if nothing was wrong, and just couldn't keep his sharply amused grin in check. Donna was hardly coming across as the perfect princess she so often tried to be. He thought that act was kind of pointless, really - she was just fine being who she was.

He held up his hands in a pacifying gesture. "Right, right, all by yourself. I couldn't possibly comment on what kind of wild things a girl could do all on her lonesome." Except that his wolfish expression was a comment all in itself. "It's Thomas Elliot as far as anyone not already in the know is concerned, okay? And Dickybird is calling himself Jimmy Olsen, although maybe jailbird would be more fitting right now ( ... )


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