Blasting Off... (OPEN)

May 12, 2009 05:14

WHO: Musashi rock_it_girl and Kojiro rock_it_boy
WHAT: Team Rocket makes an appearance on Rivelata
WHERE: Beach
WHEN: The day of the new arrivals

Usually it was wonderful waking up to the fresh sea air, the salty smell of a tropical paradise, and the soft caw of Wingulls flying overhead. However, when your head was half buried in a mound of sand and your dead weight of a partner was draped across you like a Snorlax, wonderful was not the first word that came to mind. Sputtering and flailing about for some sort of hand hold to pry herself from the sand, Musashi settled for a grip at the collar of Kojiro's shirt. Clawing her way out of the sand, The redhead gasped for air like a beached Magikarp, ignoring that she was practically throttling the blue haired nancy boy. With her first intake of air, she released it in a ear shattering shriek upon noticing the atrocious state of her hair and uniform. Shaking Kojiro violently until his eyes spun about like a Spinda's, Musashi sobbed at him about the state she'd found herself in.

"Kojiro!...There's sand in my boots! Fix it!"

When he responded with only a groan, she dropped him back to a heap on the sand and sat herself down on top of him, huffing angrily as she peeled off her thigh high boots and began knocking out the sand box worth of beach out of her shoes.

"Well, I'm all for vacation. I deserve it after all that hard work." Her blue eyes began to sparkle so dangerously, they could have sent an epileptic into seizures. "If this is a vacation, then surely the hunky cabana boys will happen along with my fancy drink and a little umbrella any second now!"

She clasped her hands together before her chest and waited until her eyes eventually deflated when the sun set.

lockon stratos, Ω kojiro, place - beach, Ω musashi, !open

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