May 12, 2009 18:54

WHO: Soldier Blue & Kikumaru Eiji
WHAT: Soldier Blue arrives at Eiji's place. Incoming introductions, questions, and Blue wondering about how live outside S.D. will probably ensue~ Oh, and the entry log got long because... well, Blue just likes musing.
WHERE: Eiji's place. Help with the tag please?
WHEN: Few hours after Blue's arrival, probably around early afternoon.


The person from the journal was correct. He could not use his powers in this place, which was surprising because even a small part of his powers can might as well destroy this entire town. He could not even use telepathy, but he was sure Shangri-La was somewhere very far away from this place. No one can hear him, even if he had powers as strong as Jomy's.

During his small trip around town, Blue felt like he was fish out of water while walking around the bustling crowds. He assumed, after a while, that he needed a new outfit, one that wouldn't make him look... gaudy, particularly an outfit without a cape. He considered one of those odd, baggy clothing he spotted in the market place. It was called a Japanese kimono or something. He didn't care what it was called. It just looked nice and comfy. In the end, he decided that the outfit might cost him money he needed for living, so he decided not to purchase it.

He enjoyed just glancing at the stalls. Was this how their ancestors lived? Was this how people in the Terra lived? True, he could spot a few mechanical objects, and primitive versions of the technology they had while Superior Domination flourished but he couldn't spot anyone obeying machines. There was nothing to control the people. They lived on their own will, that's why there was crime about. There was kindness about. People lived on their own decisions, and there were no machines to tell them that they should do this, or work in that. People had free will. People had control of the machines, not vice versa.

How wonderful, he idly mused. From where he came from, humans were supposed to be mindless propaganda for the machines. Only Jomy, his chosen Jomy, taught his people that they can live in their own will, have their own opinions. This place was... this place was very similar to Jomy's reign on Nazca. Natural childbirth, working for their meals, and resting after a good day's work. Here, and during Jomy's reign, people could be angry. People could be happy. People could be devastated. People can choose to be good or evil.

This, he thought, is true living.

Superior Domination's purpose was supposed to make sure that everyone felt secure. That everyone would be safe and strayed away from greed because greed was the source of all evil and it lead to poverty. But at what cost? The people's freedom? The people's free will? The people's unadulterated hapiness?

He might not be on the Terra, the Motherland, but this place... it was like whoever brought him here gave him a new life, a chance to start everything from scratch. He could feel the way his old bones were slowly healing, and how natural the air felt. Here, he was given a chance to experience true living. To whomever brought him here, the person has his greatest and sincerest thanks.

The sky had turned to a wonderful orange after a while. Was this what a real sunset felt like? It was lovely.

Oh. He could recall a kind lady telling him not to stay outside during the night. He could recall that after a few hours, night will fall. So he opened his journal to see where Mister-- Eiji's place was. Walking always left him exhausted. He was not as strong as he used to be, and even in his prime he was weak to begin with. He reached the door, slumping against the wall and panting a little. He needed to catch his breath first. Sighing in front of someone you never met might be rude.

After his short ventilation, he knocked on the door, posture straight and proper.

soldier blue, Ω kikumaru eiji

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