Well I looked out my window / Green things weren't ignored... [open]

Jan 11, 2009 11:05

WHO: Suzumiya Haruhi and ANYONE AND EVERYONE.
WHAT: Haruhi's clambering around on Edensphere's Great Oak. COME YELL. COME PLAY. COME CROSSDRESSOVER!!!
WHERE: The beach.
WHEN: January 11th, the DAY OF THE CROSSOVER

And I pulled out my shotgun / And ran straight for the door )

Ω asahina mikuru, place - beach, Ω kiryu "joshua" yoshiya, event - edensphere crossover, Ω kobayakawa sena, !open, Ω chad danforth, Ω wall-e, Ω kyon, yuuko ichihara, Ω sakuraba neku, Ω yagami light, Ω nala, Ω suzumiya haruhi, Ω troy bolton, Ω nagato yuki, Ω l lawliet

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onoesimemo January 11 2009, 19:21:44 UTC
"For the last freaking time, it's not an alien," Neku snapped, marching up and placing a hand on the branch. He stepped away, and placed his hands on the sides of his head. "Look, I'll prove it."

And to Neku, the world around him went blue, as the thoughts of the nearby people (funny, his range wasn't as large - to be expected of Rivelata) came into his perception.

There was Haruhi, mentally babbling away about Aliens and someone named Kyon and a Brigade of some sort. He briefly focused on that, and shied away once he learned that Haruhi intended for HIM to join her Brigade. No way - the only club of any kind Neku was in was the Go Home After School Club.

He then turned his scan to the tree, and, just as he expected, heard nothing.

Neku released the scan, and glowered up at Haruhi. "See? No thoughts whatsoever. It's just a plant."

He paused, and looked back up at her. "And no, I'm not joining, so forget it."


theobliviousgod January 11 2009, 19:26:25 UTC
Haruhi harrumphed. So it was a tree. But it was still a floating, upside-down tree, and if it wasn't an alien itself, then it had to have alien life in it somewhere.

"Fine, so it's not an alien! But we don't know what's in it until we explore, right?"

She walked a little farther up the branch before she caught his last remark.

"Oh-ho-ho, so you read that, huh? Well don't worry, I'll change your mind! We need a good Brigade, and our esper isn't around yet, so you'll have to do!"


onoesimemo January 11 2009, 19:29:54 UTC
Well. That was the first time Neku had been outright called an "esper" - granted, he knew in the back of his mind that he was one, but it made him uncomfortable to think about it.

And anyway, he technically wasn't one - he was actually a Reaper, but after seeing Haruhi react to his abilities, no way was he letter her know.

"So what, are you planning on going up more?" he grumbled, watching her continue to go towards the sky.


theobliviousgod January 11 2009, 19:33:28 UTC
"I'm going inside it!" She declared, walking around so she was right side up again, her arms crossed and her grin wide and triumphant. Queen of the world was she - especially now that she was standing on top of a giant, floating, otherworldly tree.

"You should come too, esper! It can be on the job training for your Brigade membership!"


onoesimemo January 11 2009, 19:35:38 UTC
Neku could think of a million better things to do. He really could - and he KNEW this was a waste of time, but...

Curiosity was quite often Neku Sakuraba's weakness. He gave a resigned sigh, and hefted himself up onto the lowest part of the branch.


theobliviousgod January 11 2009, 19:38:31 UTC
Obeying her orders already? Well... this new esper was going to fit in nicely. She grinned and waited, looking anxiously over her shoulder at the tree behind her.

"You're Neku right? I've seen you around on the journals, but I only ever thought you were an emo kid who liked music! Who'd have thought you were an esper, huh? So how do you do it? What's scanning like? Can you read ANYTHING'S thoughts?"


onoesimemo January 11 2009, 19:41:25 UTC
Aw crap, she was one of THOSE types. "Yes, I'm Neku, no, I'm not emo, yes I'm an esper, I just do, it's not that big of a deal, and I can read anyone that isn't consciously blocking me, like other reapers."

He folded his arms. "Do you always ask this many questions?"


i am here interuppting your threads. 8D levitatefusion January 11 2009, 19:46:14 UTC
"It's about time you got out and starting making some friends, Neku." Joshua wasn't entirely sure what was going on, but he had a vague idea. And he wasn't about to miss out on something like this. It was interesting to see his Conductor talking to Haruhi, of all people. "Hello, Haruhi. It's been a while."


HOT OLDER WOMAN~ theobliviousgod January 11 2009, 19:55:53 UTC
"Hey, Joshua-kun!" She inched towards them a little along the branch, reluctant to get away from the tree but excited, too, by the prospect of a group of espers she could recruit to the Brigade. She would need them if they were dealing with aliens she couldn't understand.

"Are you a Reaper, too? That means you're an esper, right? You two are going to have to come along! You can help me translate the alien language!"


Re: HOT OLDER WOMAN~ onoesimemo January 11 2009, 20:14:17 UTC
"There's no alien language," Neku insisited, "because there aren't any aliens up there."

He turned to look down at Joshua. "And I'm capable of making friends on my own, Jerkface," Neku said with a pout towards the Composer.


levitatefusion January 11 2009, 20:19:58 UTC
Naturally, Joshua ignored the boy in the tree.

"Espers and Reapers aren't exactly the same thing, but for the point of what you seem to be talking about it's close enough," he replied to Haruhi's question, "And I would personally be more than happy to come along."


theobliviousgod January 11 2009, 20:26:03 UTC
"Really? You'll have to explain the differences, then! But later! Right now we're got aliens to deal with - OR WHATEVER'S IN THERE," she added, at Neku's objection.

"I wonder what they look like! If it'll translate things like the journals do! If the journals work with them, even! They were probably behind everyone's visions... I wonder why!"

She was rambling again, but for the moment she didn't care if she had her questions answered. She figured she'd find out soon enough. Haruhi turned and start back towards the tree.

"Come on then!"


onoesimemo January 11 2009, 20:28:26 UTC
Neku sighed some more, and, curiosity getting the better of him, followed Haruhi up the tree.

Good thing he'd remembered to wear a few pins, though whether they'd work in wherever they were going remained to be seen.


levitatefusion January 11 2009, 20:37:13 UTC
Ah, yes. The climbing part. Hopefully it wouldn't be too hard-- he was not exaggerating when he said that he didn't do the whole sweating thing. The Composer started up the tree after them, looking up towards the top.


OOC: theobliviousgod January 11 2009, 20:56:47 UTC
Merging threads!


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