WHO: Suzumiya Haruhi and ANYONE AND EVERYONE.
WHAT: Haruhi's clambering around on Edensphere's Great Oak. COME YELL. COME PLAY. COME CROSSDRESSOVER!!!
WHERE: The beach.
WHEN: January 11th, the DAY OF THE CROSSOVER
It had been too long since the Brigade Chief had been this excited. She had winded herself running down to the beach, yelling at the alien thing, and clambering up onto the branch - not to mention the odd vertigo she got from flipping over upside-down. But vertigo and out-of-breathness aside, she was walking and talking to an honest to goodness alien. Nothing was going to stop Suzumiya Haruhi now.
But she was getting delayed. All the journal conversations and random spectators did eat up time, and despite what she said the Brigade chief would have liked to have her members with her. Kyon, at the very least. So for a little while she waited, impatiently, exploring the tree branch that was branching its way out to the beach.