Getting A Job

Mar 02, 2008 19:17

WHO: Red-Haired Shanks and an NPC
WHAT: A Brief Log About Getting A Job Real Fast Before the Ball
WHERE: The Crimson Dragon
WHEN: Not too long after chilling with Mugen

As some of these newcomers went, Shanks decided later, Mugen wasn't half bad. He knew his liquor, which earned him instant points in his book, and he seemed to know a bit about this place. Even though that wasn't saying very much, as hardly anyone knew anything about it anyway.

Nevertheless, the captain, having filled up on the establishment's very best sake, had bade his new acquaintance farewell for a bit, in order to find the owner of the tavern and solicit a job from him. As he ambled up to the bar, he looked around the commons for a moment, surveying the clientèle, and noted that, with very little exception, they varied greatly. Almost none of them wore the usual attire of those who were already from this place, and the fashions ranged from relatively mundane to mindbogglingly insane.

As soon as he got to the bar, Shanks slapped his right hand cheerfully on the table, his blue eyes glinting as he looked into the rotund barkeep's face. "I can't help but notice you've got quite a few patrons this evening, friend," he said with grin, and leaned up against the counter, as if to look out over the crowd. "Could be trouble after a while, not knowing much about where all these people are coming from. And some of them have swords." He paused for dramatic effect, hoping that this man wasn't the brightest in the box. "...Big ones."

"Big ones?"

"Oh yeah. Huge. Saw a few people walking down the street earlier with swords so big they look like they could cut a ship in half in a single stroke!"

The tender went pale as his imagination took him to places that he would have rather not travelled, then eyed the curious red-haired man. Shanks smiled at him in a pleasant manner.

"Thought I might lend a hand! I know my liquor, and I know very much how to use a sword-"

"Not very well," the man murmured, gesturing dubiously at Shanks' absent left arm.

Shanks scoffed. "Didn't lose that to a sword. Lost it to a monster." The pirate grinned. "Let's just say he didn't bother me after that."

"...Oh." The keep appeared to think very hard on this for a moment, looking from this stranger to the crowd of even stranger strangers.

"Come on, what have you got to lose, eh?"

And thus, one of the Pirate Emperors of the Grand Line managed to charm his way into a position of a lowly bartender. If only his men could have seen him, the jokes that would have been made in his expense...

Ω red-haired shanks, place - crimson dragon inn

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