making enemies... er, friends [private thread]

May 22, 2008 00:15

WHO: Sakuraba Neku [desolatory] and Joshua [triumphal]
WHAT: Joshua arrives, declares he's 'lost and disorientated', and forces Neku to be his escort Neku becomes his also declared Escort.
WHERE: The Docks.
WHEN: Roughly ten minutes after this.

Each step seemed so slow that Neku almost felt like he was going backwards. This was stupid; this was idiotic; this was something he didn't want to do, so he trudged along the walkways in silence, avoiding people on autopilot rather than really paying attention.

Underneath the calm and silent exterior though, he was thorougly annoyed, and not even a stray rock avoided his wrath, as he kicked it out of the way- or, tried to, only to recieve a flash of pain in his toe. Stupid rock. Stupid Queen and stupid timelines.

Stupid, stupid, stupid Joshua.

Neku couldn't quite sum up Joshua- or perhaps he didn't want to. He seemed so arrogant, so full of himself, so certain that Neku would do his bidding that it tormented him. There was no way he could become like that in another week. There was no way he'd willingly partner up with someone like him, either. Just something about him ticked Neku off- and now Shiki had invited him to stay with them. That had to be the icing on the cake.

He was so distracted in wondering about some drastic solution to the problem when he realised he'd reached the docks, and was standing amidst a fairly large crowd of moving people. How was he supposed to know which one was this Joshua, his partner, his 'friend' (which he highly doubted), that he had never met in his life? Even if there was a picture in the journal- a distorted one- he still couldn't see him in the mass of swarming people who seemed to have just arrived.

"I knew this was idiotic," he muttered harshly under his breath.

place - docks, Ω sakuraba neku, Ω kiryu "joshua" yoshiya

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