Coming and Going [open]

May 21, 2008 23:51

WHO: Zidane and Kairi.
WHAT: Helping out a newcomer.
WHERE: The docks.
WHEN: Shortly after Kairi's arrival.

Zidane furrowed his brow against the sun, scanning the docks for the deep red hair of the girl he was looking for. He'd agreed to help this Kairi out and give her the grand welcome tour. Not surprising. She was pretty, she was a girl. But she gave him this weird sense of deja vu-- like he'd seen her before. Of course, he'd never spoken to her, or he would remember her. But he was sure he'd seen her around, at least on the journals.

He shrugged it off with dim acceptance. People came and went all the time in Rivelata, often without a trace. And sometimes, they came back, too. He just accepted it, because thinking about it too hard messed with his head. This whole place just messed with their heads.

People were filing off the newly disembarked ship in their swarms, but he couldn't see her yet. Had he missed her? Was she already gone to look for her friends?

He waited to one side, away from the crowds, tail swishing impatiently.

Ω kairi, place - docks, Ω zidane tribal

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