I am a sucky mod. It is what it is. I'm never sure who, if anybody, still sees this journal anyway (although we have had a few member posts lately, so Yay! for that). However, this article on proofreading (not editing - proofreading. That thing you do when the story is ready for its close-up) is excellent. It touches some of the things we've
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This is a post in a writing blog that is entertaining and has some useful information about using punctuation when we're not sending tweets or texts to our friends. I'm a teensy bit hesitant to put it up here because it has throughout some deliberate examples of poor punctuation and spelling that I'm hoping everyone will realize are deliberate and
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LOL - so, I'm MIA more often than not and the "daily doozies" have become more of an annual thing. My apologies. RL is what it is, fandom (my teeny little corner) is what it is (not what it was). I'm not reading as much in fandom and what I do read is pretty good and has little to set off a doozie, so.... excuses, excuses. As you may or may not
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Links to two sites with writerly stuff - the first one shows (cleverly) the 7 basic plots that we see over and over. Which is not to say you shouldn't use them - they are how things usually go in a good story. The challenge for us is to use them in original ways so that the story develops as it should, but in such a way that it seems fresh. ETA
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Link to a blog about editing (and writing) that contains other links to other writing blogs. I have mixed emotions about coming down too hard on this particular writing sin, but their examples of incorrect use are hilarious and not actually all that out there. I've seen worse!resources
This is important information to have. I remember hearing some of the font advice years ago from kazzy_c at a WriterConUK presentation. Good stuff to be aware of while writing.
ETA - and here is the actual, you know, link to the information... link
Got this from Facebook. Two of my friends on there (one a high school English teacher) have "liked" it. I'll be keeping my eye on it. Let me know if you try it and like it.
Here's another one. It's possible I've already provided it, but I wouldn't swear to it. Usually, after I post something, I delete the e mail so I know it's done.
Here's a link, courtesy of eowyn315 to a place that offers writing prompts to it's members on a daily basis. Neither of us has checked it out yet, so let me know if you like it and find it useful.
And here's another one she sent me that I'd already copied from FB (I think) but hadn't done anything with yet. Very funny.