We're All From The Internet Here.

Oct 21, 2007 08:31

Went to apiphile's birthday gathering yesterday! It was full of People Who I Did Not Know (and even the People Who I Did Vaguely Know were People I Had Never Met) and I was therefore in a state of some alarm. But I did not faint! I even managed to speak a bit! Also, I turned up when only two people were there, rather than when the pub was full of strangers, so that did make things easier.

It may be that my terrible memory for faces is distorting things, but my mind insisted that clockworkwasp looked exactly like a treelines who had dyed her hair. So much so that I was forced to ask her whether she was secretly a Californian in disguise. She claimed not to be. I'm still not entirely convinced.

One of the best times to go to a gathering of Internet people is when there's just been a huge revelation in fandom, really. I love that you can meet fandomers for the first time, say 'hello' and be in an enthusiastic conversation about Albus Dumbledore's sexuality five minutes later. I also love the fact that, during the course of the evening, the word 'gay' was always swiftly followed by 'Dumbledore':

villainny: (speaking about an episode of Stargate: Atlantis, I believe) It was so gay!
wednesdayschild: As gay as Dumbledore?

Also, I met morecake. I thought that the username sounded familiar, and then it turned out that she was a topgearslasher. UNEXPECTED TGSER ENCOUNTERS ARE AWESOME. (One of the men turned up wearing an 'I AM THE STIG' hoodie, and then didn't appear to notice me when I was trying to fangirl over it. TSK, FINE. I suppose you have an excuse for not speaking to people if you actually are the Stig.)

AND I SWEAR PEOPLE WERE ALWAYS TALKING ABOUT JEREMY CLARKSON JUST OUT OF MY HEARING. I kept hearing "mfrlwfrl JEREMY CLARKSON" and becoming completely distracted from whatever I was doing. This is not unlike something rather shaming that happened at th_esaurus' birthday meal:

rionaleonhart: (eating; not really listening to the conversation next to her)
neobubble: mfrl?
hopeh: wfrl.
neobubble: mfrlwfrlmfrlwfrlZOMBIE
rionaleonhart: ...I'm sorry, did I just hear - ?

But back to last night!

(talking about House:)
rionaleonhart: The thing is, I loved Cameron in the first two series. I thought she was adorable.
ruthi: She tried so hard in the first two series.
rionaleonhart: Yes! And then, in the third series, she became an overconfident, manipulative nymphomaniac for no apparent reason.
morecake: Failed character development?
rionaleonhart: I think the writers must have just thought 'Well, nobody likes Cameron; let's see what happens if we change her completely!'
morecake: Well, everyone loves a nymphomaniac. That's sort of the point.

Everyone needs to spend a bit of a time in a Room Full of Internetters, really. Also, rowanberries is lovely, glowering is lovely, everyone else I have mentioned (and probably also everyone I haven't) is lovely, and I was Highly Amused by the number of drinks apiphile managed to collect. Are you all right, apiphile? Are you conscious?

my lj friends are real people apparently, conversational adventures, house, zombies, harry potter, top gear

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