It's Raining, Cats And Dogs.

Oct 19, 2007 13:52

Thank you so much for your help with my presentation-preparation; you are all wonderful and I adore you. Also, it seems that either I was under extremely false impressions regarding Americaland or all the USians I know are gigantic Anglophiles. Hooray?


Recently, I dreamt (oh, dear, yes, it's a post about dreams) that Dean Winchester was trying to kill me. Which was odd, because I've never watched Supernatural in my life. We were in a dystopian future and running away from the police for some reason, and he helped me along and explained things to me and LIED BY TELLING ME THAT HE AND SAM WERE CALLED JUNE AND ERIC CARTER (YEAH, I DON'T KNOW EITHER). This was not just my subconscious getting confused about the characters' names; my dream-self was well aware it was a lie. In what may possibly be an example of my subconscious getting confused about the characters' names, Simon Pegg, who was occasionally narrating in my head, told me that Dean's real name was 'Christ', pronounced 'Chris'. When Dean found out that I knew his 'real name', he became very hostile and demanded to know how I had found that out. I told him that I had learnt it from Simon Pegg's voice in my mind. I'm not sure he was convinced.

The moral of this story is that letting my subconscious have free rein is never a good idea. Other dreams I have had have included being attacked by the orange-and-black wolves from the Dalmasca Estersand while in Silent Hill, being glared at by the orange-and-black wolves from the Dalmasca Estersand while on a magic carpet, and being chased by a flying Big Brother contestant with a knife. Also being best friends with Carla Espinosa and Peter Pettigrew. And hanging out with two Richard Hammonds. And having my foot repeatedly bitten by a living Yoda-puppet. I DON'T KNOW.

celebrity plague train, supernatural, final fantasy, we all love hearing about dreams right?, harry potter, top gear, scrubs, final fantasy xii, star wars

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