The Worst Kind Of Narcissism.

Jun 16, 2015 09:50

Final Fantasy VII is actually getting a remake. It's actually happening. I'm so glad I can be excited about this now! Three years ago, I'd have been off in a corner grumbling about how VII isn't that great.

They can give it a proper translation! The characters won't look like they're made out of Lego! And I'm emotionally invested enough to be excited about the prospect of seeing characters and locations in high definition, but not so emotionally invested that I'll be upset if things are changed or the voice actors don't match the voices in my head, which is the perfect level of emotional investment for a remake. (By contrast, I love Final Fantasy VIII so much that a remake would probably just upset me.) I'm very pleased.

(Clearly Square didn't want to announce this remake until they knew I'd be happy about it. Sorry for making you wait eighteen years, Final Fantasy VII fans.)

My final verdict on Sense8: I'm not a huge fan of it when it's dwelling on tragic backstory, but I love it to bits when it's full of ridiculous heroism and ill-advised kissing.

I sent an e-mail to th_esaurus after 'What Is Human?':

That episode of Sense8 contained far less backstory [than 'Death Doesn't Let You Say Goodbye'] and far more ridiculous heroism interspersed with makeouts, so I'm mostly pleased, but it does lose points for the ten-minute sequence at the end in which all the main characters, listening to a Beethoven concert together via the miracle of astral projection or something, fondly recall the moment of their birth. All eight of them. The literal moment of their birth. I have just watched eight giving-birth sequences in a row. I'm pretty sure they filmed actual live births for at least some of them. I don't understand why this has happened to me.

My favourite part about the 'fond recollections of birthing' scene is the look on Wolfgang's face when it gets to his turn. It's such a 'yes, I see where this is going, we've seen six births already and I know I'm about to remember mine, let's just fucking get this over with' expression.

(Speaking of Wolfgang:

Jonas: Ooh, we're sensates. We're so special. Not like those normal humans, who can kill really easily because they don't feel anything.
Wolfgang: (ruthlessly murders his way through Berlin))

Lito probably had my favourite individual storyline (and he's possibly my favourite character, although it's hard to choose), but I'm a little sad that we never really saw him coming to understand what was going on; he didn't really interact with any of the others for ages, and when he eventually did he just sort of seemed to know what was happening. I was looking forward to the transition from 'there are voices in my head and sometimes I see people???' to 'okay, these people I see are actual people and they need my help', but I suppose that understanding came through knowledge sharing. Unless Lito is just going 'I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT'S GOING ON HERE BUT I SUPPOSE I'LL HELP OUT MY HALLUCINATIONS'.

Favourite moments: the psychic karaoke. Will's partner walking in on him making out with the air. Sun, Will and Capheus all helping Nomi with her getaway, and every other moment where multiple sensates came together for a common cause.

Er, by 'came together' I mean 'worked together'. I'm not talking about the orgy. Or at least I'm not talking exclusively about the orgy.

Sense8 is incredibly charming and a lot of fun, and I very much hope to see more of it! I love how completely all the sensates accept each other and want to help each other. Still 'shipping the lot of them. I just want them all to cuddle. Are you listening, Wachowskis? Top priority for series two: group hugs.

sense8, final fantasy, final fantasy vii

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