What's Going On?

Jun 13, 2015 16:50

The trouble with Sense8 is that there are too many characters. A full hour is a long running time for an episode, but it's still not enough to give even ten minutes to each storyline if you've got eight separate stories running at once. I have to wonder whether the number of main characters was chosen purely for the sake of the pun. It should be called Sense6.

The great thing about Sense8 is that 'characters feeling like they're slowly losing their minds' is something that always fascinates me in fiction, and it's the case with almost every character in Sense8. There are definite parallels to be drawn with the Bleeding Effect of Assassin's Creed, i.e. my absolute favourite concept in the Assassin's Creed series.

I also love seeing a group of disparate characters slowly getting to know each other after being thrown together by chance (it's something that crops up in the Dangan Ronpa games and a lot of RPGs), which makes this doubly great. I get so excited whenever the sensates(?) actually interact. I like them all (even Wolfgang, who probably took the longest to grow on me but got me in episode four) and, to be honest, I sort of 'ship them all as well. Eight-way long-distance telepathic relationships are probably fairly complicated to maintain, but I'm sure they'll manage somehow.

I've never had an OT8 before. It's fun! It'd probably be a nightmare to write fanfiction for, though. Not that I'm at the stage of writing fanfiction for it. I'm just musing.

There was one point in the third episode where I thought, Man, is this going to be one of those series where everything is bleak and awful and just keeps getting bleaker and more awful forever and everyone's helpless to stop it? Because I'm not sure I'm in the mood for that. And then Capheus stood up and went 'I'M GOING TO FIX THIS' and actually did fix it (with Sun's help). This is a show where good things can happen and most of the characters seem to be decent people, and I'm finding it oddly refreshing. I suppose the television dramas I usually get into can be a little miserable. Sense8 does have its fair share of misery, but I really like that the characters tend to go 'right, what can we do to make this situation less miserable?' and take action.

And then came the fourth episode, which made me smile so much. The world in general needs more sexy playful telepathic karaoke sessions.

I'm really curious about whether anyone in the cluster is going to recognise Lito. It's possible he's not that well known as an actor outside Mexico, but the reporter did say he'd been voted one of the sexiest men in the world.

So, yes, six episodes in I can say that Sense8 firmly has my attention! The concept is fascinating (and deeply weird), and I very much hope it spawns thousands of fascinating (and deeply weird) AUs in every fandom. If you have Netflix access and you're in the mood for something ridiculous, it might be worth taking a look! (Be aware that there's a fair bit of sexual content, just in case you'd rather people didn't walk in on you watching a screen filled with breasts.)

assassin's creed, sense8, first impressions

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