Albeit A Parliament Formed Of Board Game Pieces Rather Than Actual People.

May 07, 2010 10:22

My constituency's gone Conservative. I feel as if my vote somehow exploded in the ballot box and burnt up four thousand Lib Dem votes. Blast. Should have realised that was a risk.

AWESOMER THINGS: last night I was at the live broadcast of Channel Four's Alternative Election Night! IT'S NOT AS IF I WOULD HAVE BEEN DOING ANY WORK WHEN DAVID MITCHELL WAS PRESENTING ELECTION COVERAGE; I'M ALLOWED. I was a bit saddened by how scripted it was, but I suppose they want to take as few risks as possible on live television. Also saddened by how little Mitchell and Brooker interacted, and for a long time afraid that they might not interact at all, but then came the last ten minutes or so to prove that they should never not be together. If you have Brooker and Mitchell and they are not speaking to each other, programme-makers, you are wasting an opportunity.

I suppose they couldn't have Brooker on too much because he is absolutely, hilariously terrible with autocues. (Mitchell, however, will happily read out anything that's on an autocue without thinking about it; at one point, he said, 'I'm sitting here with [name], [name], David, [name] and [name].' There was no other David at the table. You're sitting there with yourself, Mitchell?)

Don't know whether anyone caught sight of me in the audience. anewcitylife, causethesounds and I were all Lib Dems, but were seated in the tiny section for miscellaneous parties because the Lib Dem section was full; the rest of our contingent had to say they were Labour supporters to be allowed in.

Anyway, I didn't make detailed notes, because it was being broadcast live and so things wouldn't be cut out. Here are a few notes on various events of which you might not be aware, though.

- derryderrydown: Vagina dentata: what a wonderful phrase! Vagina dentata, ain't no passing craze! It means no penis for the rest of your days...

- Jimmy Carr seems quite a friendly chap! He said hello as he walked past the queue at the beginning, hung back to talk to the audience at the end, and shook hands with anewcitylife when she commiserated with him about their mockable laughs.

- During an ad break, when Carr and Mitchell were preparing to do a bit to camera, Carr linked his hands together over Mitchell's shoulder and attempted to lean on him.

Mitchell: ...are you going to do that? Because it's a bit weird.


- On one occasion, whilst leaving the studio, Brooker paused to say something to Mitchell: the first contact the two of them had had. Mitchell was speaking to someone else, though, and didn't seem to notice; Brooker left, casting a backwards glance. I was bizarrely heartbroken.

- Later, Brooker attempted to engage Mitchell and succeeded! They looked at some sort of document together, and then Mitchell clapped a hand on Brooker's back and gave him a playful shove towards where he was supposed to be sitting. It was adorable.

- EDIT: Oh, yes, and at the beginning David Mitchell was sitting on a table with his legs apart and his crotch practically in anewcitylife's face.

And a few things that were broadcast, just because they give me glee (and because the programme isn't available on 4oD, tsk):

- Brooker's 'now over to our very own David Mitchell': the most delightfully sarcastic pronunciation of a name I've ever heard.

- Mitchell made a joke about killing all the politicians. There were cheers and applause from the audience, to his visible alarm.

Carr: People will ask how the revolution started, and we'll say, 'It was David Mitchell.'

Carr then cast Brooker as the leader of the revolution. I love it when they write their own AU prompts for us.

- Towards the end of broadcasting, Mitchell made a joke that didn't really work, and then, after a moment, exclaimed, 'Don't give me that look, Charlie! It's late!'

They are so married. The marriedest.

british comedians, recording recaps, charlie brooker, mitchell and/or webb, famous!, politics, weird pairings, my lj friends are real people apparently

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