Hot Seats! Hot Seats, Yeah!

May 12, 2010 11:29

(Riona and housemate Rachael have returned from a trip to the supermarket. Riona checks the Internet.)
Riona: Rachael!
Rachael: What?
Riona: While we were out, David Cameron became Prime Minister.
Rachael: Oh, God! This is what happens when you leave the house!

Had to crack up at Charlie Brooker's response on Twitter: LEAST SEXY PRIME MINISTER EVER

It's not the outcome for which I was hoping, and Cameron still terrifies me, but I do find it hilarious that the media have been portraying our political turmoil as a massive Cameron/Clegg slashfic (this manip was on the BBC website, apparently). And, as was pointed out on the Alternative Election Night, a Conservative government means these are going to be a great few years for satire (a Conservative-Lib Dem coalition probably even more so. Are Cameron and Clegg going to be living together at Downing Street, thus making the running of this country into a ridiculous sitcom? I do hope so). Every cloud has a hilarious lining!

(Here is a video on the BBC site of Clegg arriving at Number 10. Is it just me, or is Cameron's body language incredibly, creepily possessive?)

Anyway, you already knew that David Cameron was Prime Minister. To continue the entry's theme of 'Things You Already Knew': SO IT TURNS OUT THAT I WAS IN THE ROOM WHEN CHARLIE BROOKER WET HIMSELF ON LIVE TELEVISION. I can't believe he actually wrote about that in a column. That's amazing. It would have been a great fact for Would I Lie To You?

Also, in case you're interested but somehow missed it, the first episode of Charlie Brooker's new Radio Four panel show, So Wrong It's Right, aired yesterday. The panel were David Mitchell, Victoria Coren and Rufus Hound; you can listen to it here if you're in the UK. My favourite part, predictably, is about seventeen minutes in, when Mitchell gets shirty with Brooker for calling him 'smartypants' and then comes up with an entire bitter reality TV premise in response to it; this was recorded over a year ago, so I'm delighted Mitchell and Brooker had chemistry even then. I want Mitchell, Brooker and Coren to be on everything together. (They're all on tomorrow's episode of You Have Been Watching, incidentally: ten o'clock on Channel Four.)

Bit of advertising now: draegonhawke is looking for players for a panfandom roleplay, beyondtherift! It's been around for a while, but a number of players have recently moved on, leaving vacancies for characters from fandoms including Doctor Who, Torchwood, Life on Mars and Buffy. If you're looking for plotty roleplaying and won't be too disconcerted by the fact that the characters already there have undergone development over the course of the game, you could check it out.

british comedians, video, charlie brooker, mitchell and/or webb, politics, weird pairings, roleplay?, conversational adventures, victoria coren

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