It Turns Out To Just Be A Vessel For Hoon.

May 06, 2010 14:03

Today, on the telephone:

Riona's Brother: Has Dad voted yet?
Riona: Er, I don't know.
Riona's Brother: When he gets home, if he hasn't voted, maybe you could... break his ankles?

Ours is a politically divided household.

I've had the right to vote in a general election for almost four years, but today was the first opportunity I had to exercise that right. How exciting! I find the idea that any country considers me responsible enough to have a say in its running terrifying, frankly, but you have only yourself to blame, Representation of the People Act 1969. It's between the Conservatives and the Liberal Democrats in my constituency; I've voted Lib Dem.

For the information of anyone who wants silly, fannish discussion of the election and UK politics in general, by the way: wanttobeatree and theoret have created uk_lolitics. They're planning to have an election party post tonight. Have you ever wondered what Pokémon David Cameron would have? Now there is a place to ask!

Tentative assignments:

- I can see Cameron with a Mr Mime, largely based on the fact that both the man and the Pokémon sort of unsettle me. I don't know whether it's his face or his manner of speaking or his body language, but something about David Cameron is reminiscent of Derren Brown without the charisma, and that freaks me out tremendously. I do not want Derren Brown in a position of political power. Doctor Who has shown us what would happen in that scenario, and it doesn't end well. (Mr Mime's Psychic type is also relevant here, of course.)

- Brown has a Pidgey. Gordon Brown could well be making the most reasonable points in the world, but I cannot pay attention to anything he says. It's bizarre. Gordon Brown is essentially invisible to me; I was still forgetting Tony Blair was no longer Prime Minister a year and a half after Brown succeeded him. It's as if the man walks around surrounded by a perception filter. It makes sense to assign him a rather unremarkable Pokémon that shows up so often you eventually barely notice it.

- Clegg has a Taillow: a tiny but gutsy bird Pokémon that will take on much larger foes.

And that is probably as intelligent as my political commentary is going to get, oh dear.

politics, crossovers, conversational adventures, pokémon, doctor who, derren brown, riona's slightly scary family

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