Break The World's Shell.

Nov 24, 2009 11:25

I have started watching Revolutionary Girl Utena (up to the seventh episode), and I am enjoying it very much, but I am also tremendously confused. Did - did a shirtless guy really just punch out a kangaroo?

I am a bit in love with Utena herself. So gorgeous and noble and brave! Such hearts in my eyes during the ball episode. I love that, although she wears boys' clothes (and they look fantastic on her), being a prince and being a woman aren't mutually exclusive to her. She's boyish, but she's not unfeminine. Not that there's anything wrong with unfeminine female characters (Toph! ♥!), but I really love the blend that Utena manages. She makes me want to be a prince as well.

DEAR EVERYONE: STOP SLAPPING ANTHY. Anthy is a sweetheart! She has a snail named Juliet; you can't not love her. And Miki is adorable, and Juri fascinates me, and Touga seems such an intriguing git, and I generally like this series enormously.

(I hadn't realised it was something I was missing, but so few of my fandoms have female characters at the centre. I love Supernatural and The Mentalist and House and all my other fandoms in which the central figure(/s) is(/are) male, but there's something rather delightful about watching something that centres so clearly on two women for once. Ashes to Ashes and Final Fantasy X-2 are the only other female-focused fandoms of mine I can think of off the top of my head.)

Last night, I dreamt that I was fighting Derren Brown on a bridge over rushing water. With a pole. And a baby. (Seriously, the baby was a weapon. It would fly at him and punch him a lot.)

Eventually, I managed to destroy the bridge so he wouldn't be able to come after us, but then he went into a lecture about mentally tricking one's opponent ("If I say 'there's no bridge, it's just water,' most people will just think, 'oh, well, it must be true'"), so were we really safe?

(An earlier dream that I just stumbled across in my notebook and which rather amused me: Dreamt that Derren Brown was performing a trick with me regarding fear. He managed to make me pull three Jacks out of a deck, having previously informed me that he was afraid of Jacks. Afterwards, I waved them in his face and said 'woooo, Jacks', which was, I'll confess, a bit gittish of me.

If you are afraid of cards, Derren, becoming a magician is a terrible career choice.)

avatar, utena, derren brown, we all love hearing about dreams right?, first impressions

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