My Love's Gone And Burned Up All The Oxygen In The Room. (Thermodynamics!)

Oct 10, 2009 18:58

Last night, I dreamt that Arthur was being forced to kill Merlin. They were at a crossroads in the moonlight, Arthur holding a glass dagger, Merlin kneeling in front of him. Merlin wasn't restrained; he was willing to be killed by Arthur (possibly Arthur would have been the one to die otherwise?).

Mr Darcy saved them at the last second.

This was not, sadly, what happened in episode 2.04 of Merlin.

Here are my thoughts on what happened instead.

Oh, my goodness, I actually got a bit teary at that episode. Lancelot! So tragic and so noble and so good! I think I now 'ship Lancelot/Gwen quite a lot more than I do Arthur/Gwen, which is slightly unfortunate. Possibly because I wasn't entirely convinced by Arthur's 'I think about her all the time', whilst I could absolutely believe everything Lancelot said. (Although I cannot quite explain why! I was going to say 'come on, Arthur, you've had barely over an episode's worth of relationship development', and then I remembered that Lancelot/Gwen has had, er, even less than that. WHATEVER. LANCELOT/GWEN IS AMAZING.)

In any case, I absolutely loved that episode. Gwen was gorgeous! Merlin and Arthur were bickering! Lancelot broke my heart into seven pieces! Gwen and Morgana were in love!

Seriously, I was 'shipping Gwen/Morgana so much in this episode. I am 'shipping it on at least a low level in every episode, but in this one I was just thinking 'I LOVE THEM ♥ ♥ ♥' constantly.

...well, I was thinking that until Lancelot showed up, at which point my 'I LOVE THEM ♥ ♥ ♥' shifted to Lancelot/Gwen. I'm so fickle. But then Lancelot left (my emoticon-use is rare, but at this point I feel a ;_; is necessary), and Gwen and Morgana were reunited, and I was right back to loving Gwen/Morgana (with a little part of my soul crying noooooooo lancelot. If you can't have Gwen, Lancelot, you can have me). I think I may actually have been 'shipping them more than I was Merlin and Arthur.

That said, I was delighted that there was so much Merlin-and-Arthur interaction in this episode! They are so much fun together. Was I imagining things, or did Merlin look a bit crushed when Arthur said Gwen meant more to him than did any other person? (And his 'cheer up, you've still got me' at the end made me grin quite a lot.)

EDIT: I forgot to mention: I nearly gasped when the men brought Gwen into the cage. I think I was almost as surprised by the fact that Merlin of all things had managed to surprise me as I was by the event itself.

Also, just prior to that, I was terrified that the writers might actually kill Lancelot off as a way of removing him as a romantic obstacle. THAT WOULD HAVE BEEN SO AWFUL. But Lancelot lives! Although, to my sorrow, not at Camelot.

If you're not interested in Merlin, or even if you are: here is a YouTube link to 'Baba Yetu', a rather beautiful song from the computer game Civilization IV. I cannot believe so much effort has gone into a song for a menu screen. Enjoy!

crossovers, jane austen, merlin, music, we all love hearing about dreams right?

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