I Should Probably Try To Find A Plastic Sword.

Oct 07, 2009 10:57

Riona: This is a long shot, but do you by any chance have any brown waistcoats, suitable for an eighteenth-century blacksmith or rather classy pirate?
Shop Assistant: I very much doubt it.

What I learnt from my enquiries in ten or eleven clothes shops yesterday: it is extremely difficult to find waistcoats in Brighton, and even more difficult to find a suitably piratey one. Eventually, I had to settle for one that was slightly too modern and not as brown as I would have liked. My Will Turner outfit is going to be a bit rubbish. Sorry, th_esaurus. But I love my new waistcoat and, as my real-life acquaintances will know, I rarely purchase new clothes, so I'm actually rather pleased.

I didn't post about Merlin, did I? I enjoyed it! It managed to interest me in Merlin/Morgana, which was the only pairing within the Arthur-Merlin-Gwen-Morgana group that hadn't really appealed to me before. And it was nice to have a Morgana-centric episode after the sad lack of the previous two.

(Spoilers for the episode (2.03); highlight to read:
I do wish Merlin had told Morgana about his magic, though. If anyone would understand the need to keep it secret, Merlin, she would! And she clearly needed someone to relate to! I JUST REALLY REALLY WANT SOMEONE OTHER THAN GAIUS TO FIND OUT WHAT MERLIN IS. IS THAT SO WRONG? Gaius is wonderful, of course, but I just think things would become so interesting if Morgana or Gwen or anyone other than the single-episode villains and assless freaks found out as well. And, of course, I am looking forward enormously to the day when Arthur discovers Merlin's secret.)

I have also rewatched some first-series episodes of Merlin, and I have three things to say:

- Merlin really isn't a fan of subtlety or suspense, is it? If someone arriving at Camelot is evil (and they always are), you will see a little bit before the opening telling you 'BY THE WAY, THIS PERSON IS EVIL'. Of course, by now we've realised that no newcomer to Camelot is ever good (Lancelot excepted), so Merlin won't be able to surprise us even if it stops going 'HEY, THIS GUY IS ABOUT TO ARRIVE AT CAMELOT, BUT FIRST LET'S WATCH HIM KILL THIS OTHER GUY.'

- In the episode 'The Gates of Avalon', Sophia is Derren Brown. YOU'LL NEVER SEE HER KISSING ARTHUR IN THE SAME WAY.

- I want Anthony Stewart Head/Bradley James fanfiction and I don't know why.

Derren Brown recently Tweeted that he had dinner with Dan Radcliffe. I am taking this as evidence for the theory that he is, in fact, Albus Dumbledore. Also, here:

Just spent 5 mins looking for my slippers to find I was wearing them. Don't tell anyone, it doesn't fit the brand at any level.

He is so cute! So evil and yet so cute! It is ridiculous! (This mental lapse from the man who memorises the layout of London in his spare time.)


[INSERT SOME SORT OF SEGUE IN A VAIN ATTEMPT TO MAKE THIS ENTRY SEEM LESS DISJOINTED HERE], something I scribbled down in my notebook just before going to sleep:

In the Avatarverse, Derren Brown is the son of a female Waterbender from the North Pole and a male non-bender from the Earth Kingdom, so he was born and raised in the Earth Kingdom despite being a Waterbender himself. Due to the sexism of the Northern Water Tribe, his mother could teach him only how to heal, not knowing any offensive Waterbending, but Derren became fascinated by the possibilities of bending and began to experiment on his own. He discovered not only Bloodbending, allowing him to manipulate people physically, but how to manipulate people mentally (perhaps by somehow influencing the mood-altering chemicals in their bodies?). Yes, it's possible to force people to obey you with Bloodbending, but it is somehow so much more satisfying when you make them want to do it.

Have I been thinking too much about this? It is quite possible.

derren brown, video, strange notebook discoveries, implausible theories, pirates of the caribbean, harry potter, crossovers, bradley james and his ridiculous face, merlin, weird pairings, conversational adventures, avatar, real life (there's a rarity)

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