Customer Satisfaction Survey

Dec 21, 2005 10:54

In the interests of making Reading Riona's LiveJournal Posts a more enjoyable experience for you (assuming that I don't completely ignore all the advice I am given, which is quite possible because I am awful):

What do you like about my posts? What bothers you? What do you want to see more of, or wish that I would just stop doing already? Is there anything that annoys you about my writing or me personally that I might be able to change? (Do you think I should respond to comments more often? Do you think that I should stop jumping around all over the place with my obsessions (looking back over my entries, they go from Final Fantasy to Silent Hill 2 to Doctor Who to Harry Potter to, briefly and astoundingly, Real Life, to Macbeth to Narnia)? Do you think that my journal needs more porn?) Also, just for the hell of it, tell me how you would perceive me differently if I turned out to be a nine-year-old. Or a man. Or your mother.

In fact, if there's anything you've been itching to say to me but haven't because you think I might be offended, or any other reason, feel free to say it here (anonymously, if you must).

I was going to add a review of The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe, but, um, I think that I spent half of it staring at Mr. Tumnus, and the other half being bothered by a vague feeling that film directors were becoming Entirely Too Fond of Epic Battles and, um, wondering when Mr. Tumnus would show up again. I certainly enjoyed it, though, albeit probably not for the intended reasons. You'd think, from all the ranting about it, that it really crams the Christian imagery down your throat. It doesn't. If I hadn't already known about the Christian symbolism of the books, I probably wouldn't have noticed.

...granted, this may have been because I am utterly oblivious to pretty much everything, and, rather than thinking 'Ah, this is the equivalent of the Crucifixion', was thinking 'EXCUSE ME ASLAN YOU CAN'T DO THAT YOU HAVE TO BRING MR. TUMNUS BACK'.


I still can't believe I have a shameful shameful crush on a Faun. ...dammit.

film, audience participation, narnia

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