A Regular Human Room.

Oct 10, 2008 18:38

Were it not for my policy of completely nonspoilery post titles for new Supernatural episodes, the title of this entry would totally have been 'Stop The Car Right Now, Or I Will. WITH MY MIND.' Or possibly 'DON'T EAT HER, JACK', because I spent quite a bit of the episode shouting that at the screen. (And he didn't! Good boy, Jack.)

Yay for Sam-and-Dean interaction! There's been so little of it in this season so far, so I'm incredibly pleased to see an episode with plenty, even if they're not on perfect terms at the moment. Keep the interaction up, boys! Oh, all right, I'll forgive episodes without much interaction if they're as stellar as 'Lazarus Rising' or 'In the Beginning'. But most of the time the two of you should be together.

Seeing Sam introduce himself as 'Sam Winchester' to someone felt incredibly weird. I question-marked all over the place before I remembered the purpose of their visit.

So they set up Jack (poor Jack! I rather liked him, actually) as a parallel for Sam (who was exceedingly pretty in this episode, by the way), and then they had him fail in his attempt to keep himself from doing evil because something threatened a person he loved. Oh, this does not bode well. No matter how carefully Sam may try to keep his footing on the slippery slope, if it comes down to keeping out of the darkness or saving Dean, there's really no doubt about what he'll choose. Still, I'm glad the foreshadowing is pointing towards Sam snapping for Dean, rather than because of Ruby or just because he's been using his powers. I'm fairly sure that saving Dean is the only reason I'd accept for Sam going darkside.

...no, mind, this is not foreshadowing for Sam impregnating Dean. I hope you realise that this is not a thought for which I am ever going to thank you. (DON'T DO IT, WRITERS.)

Also, Dean calls Castiel 'Cass'. This amuses me.

Also also, more references to potential Sam/Ruby sexings! I honestly can't decide whether I want sexings to have actually happened or not. In any case, writers, if you want to explicitly address the moral issues regarding sex with a possessed person, I will send you a basketful of kittens (assuming you don't eat them, which I wouldn't put past you, you wonderful evil people). Yes, I know that Sam shot Meg in the face when she sort-of implied it, and that was awesome, but I'm greedy.

OH, YES, AND SAM AND DEAN BURSTING THROUGH THE DOOR WHEN THE GIRL WASN'T IN DANGER. I love it when their attempts at heroics fail because there is no need for heroics. BOYS. YOU'RE SO AWKWARD.

You know, when that demon at the beginning asked Sam to tell him about those Deanless months, I was totally expecting a flashback episode. I'm a little sad that we didn't get one. There's got to be a flashback episode at some point, right? I have to know about the woeful, power-developing time of Deanlessness!

...so. I just typoed 'Dean' as 'demon'.


(Shut up, my typos are totally foreshadowing.)

EDIT: Also, regarding Sam's slightly bloodied lip after the face-punching: yeah, so apparently my attraction to the Winchesters still increases tenfold when they're bleeding. This worries me a little.

Also also (also also? how many 'also's has this entry had?): thank you so much for being so good about cutting spoilers, you guys! ♥!

finding inappropriate people hot, this entry is retrospectively hilarious, supernatural

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