To Be Honest, I'm Less Embarrassed By High School Musical.

Sep 22, 2008 10:06

It's - it's wrong to sort of want to write a Supernatural/Camp Rock crossover purely so I can title it 'Bad Day at Camp Rock', isn't it?

Because it would be an absolute atrocity and therefore I cannot actually write it, here is how it would hypothetically go:

- Shane Gray, cynical singer and kind of a git, is instructing at Camp Rock, summer music camp or whatever it's supposed to be.
- When hiding from fangirls, he hears someone singing. It reminds him of what he used to love about music. Awww.
- No, not because it's good. Because it's appallingly bad, but the singer is obviously having an enormous amount of fun anyway.
- He must find the mysterious inspirational singer! Surely it must be true love!
- He hopes that the mysterious singer will show up at Final Jam, but, alas, she does not. Which he can't say he didn't see coming, because she's, you know, terrible. Alas regardless!
- When he is wandering angstily through the nearby woods that night, he suddenly hears the decidedly non-angelic voice again! He rushes through the trees, and-
- Oh, okay, it's a dude. That kind of didn't occur to Shane. I mean, it was kind of a manly voice, now that he thinks about it, but when he heard the inspirational singing he knew it was love at first, er, hearing, and he'd kind of expected his true love to be a girl.
- Also, the dude seems to be digging up a body and preparing to set it on fire.
- Still, whatever. It's kind of a shock, but maybe Shane can work through the 'not a girl' thing. At least his mystery singer looks just about feminine enough for him to get past it.

- Also, the dude seems to be digging up a body and preparing to set it on fire.
- What the hell, the body kind of looks like Shane.
- Oh shi-

- The Winchesters return to the car, another haunting solved.
- Also, Dean probably has sex with Tess.)

crossovers, weird pairings, fanfiction, supernatural, jonai, should never be written ever

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