Steamy Red Riding Hood!

Oct 29, 2009 23:55

muwahaha it's done for now!

The Original sketch:

And the Outfit as of today (upgrade so far I'd say):

So some background information on this character:
Lowelle Redelle is a shy sweet girl who works as a librarian. She happens to have split personality disorder and Lupe "the Wolf" just happens to be an assassin, who really likes Axes...yes I know...all sorts of twists and turns to this Grimm Tale.

Anyway Character aside. Here's what I have in the works: I plan on ordering a pith helmet still, getting some gloves, make spats out of the cape material. I have a "wolfs" tail I plan on clipping to the back of the dress, for irony you know.  Lastly I'd love to get an ax and steam that up to carry about. Nothin' more terrifying than a tiny girl with a sharp weapon and a big smile yes?
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