Letter from Camp

Jun 05, 2012 00:02

Dear Moms

I have been bitten by bugs.  Lots of them.  I feel horrible.

I'm in a new tent, but there's only one other person in it, the other two bunks have stuff by them, but so far, I haven't seen anyone.

I've been using my life jacket.  But the lake is icky.  I think there's a monster in it.

My protagonist is being just like Wrin David.  He's getting all mushy and sympathetic and won't stay the slightest bit sadistic.  It is quite frustrating.

Another character popped up, a little sister and she's just adding to the humanization.  Blech!  Maybe I should have her die in a horrible leather working accident.

My word count is 15024 and I'm calling it a night.

Miss you!

nanowrimo, nano camp

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