How Do I Say I’m Sorry?

Jun 04, 2012 18:04

Title: How Do I Say I’m Sorry?
Fandom: Stargate Atlantis
Characters/Pairing: past Lorne/Sheppard, past Lorne/McKay
Rating: Gen
Orientation: slash
Word Count: 901

Prompts: Love Bingo Fill: “Sorry Seems to be the Hardest Word”
10 Tropes Fill: “Love Letter Lunacy”

There was a folded piece of paper on the floor by the door in John’s office. He noticed it when he was heading out to the Tuesday morning senior staff meeting. “I’m sorry, I was wrong for walking out, I should have said something else. Maybe it can work. I want to try again. Meet me Wednesday at 1800 at the alcove by the South Pier.”

The note wasn’t signed but John recognized Evan’s handwriting, he saw it often enough during the day. His first instinct was to crumple it and throw it away. He thought they were done and over months ago. What game was Evan playing? It had hurt, when Evan had walked out, more than John had thought it would, more than any other little fling had. They had barely been on speaking terms since then, which was difficult with Evan being his XO. Did he still care enough to try again? He would have to give the matter serious consideration. He folded the note and stuck it in his pocket.

Evan took notes throughout the meeting as usual, his mind on what he would do if McKay turned up at the South Pier, and what he would do if he didn’t. He avoided looking at the scientist. Their affair had been brief but hot as hell. McKay had been the one to call it off, claiming he just couldn’t be with a military guy, he wasn’t cut out for all the cloak and dagger bullshit that went with sleeping with a guy in uniform. Evan had given up without a fight, leaving McKay’s quarters without a backwards glance. But yesterday the word had come down in the databurst that DADT was due to be repealed, so maybe there was a chance it could be something more, maybe Rodney was willing to try again.

He glanced over at Sheppard, that was a bridge burned to hell. Things had been tense between them since Evan had walked out. He wished they could still be friends, but it didn’t look like Sheppard was willing to forgive him, and he didn’t know how to approach him to ask.

He meant to slip the note to Rodney after the meeting, but when he looked for it, he couldn’t find it. He must have left it on his desk.

It was not on his desk. Nor was it anywhere on his person or in the stack of files and datapads he had been carrying. He was very annoyed that he had misplaced it, though it wasn’t addressed or signed, so even if someone else found it, there wouldn’t be too much of a problem over it.

Mentally retracing his steps as he went to the Mess Hall, he tried to think of where else he might have left the note but came up blank. He grabbed a tray and got online and noticed as he waited to be served that Rodney was sitting with Zelenka. That was not unusual, they worked together. what was unusual was the way they had their heads bent close together, and the way Rodney was touching Zelenka’s hand. Damn it, he was too late, Rodney had moved on. It was a good thing he had lost the note after all, now he wouldn’t be embarrassed over the whole thing.

John waited for an hour on the South Pier, feeling more and more like an idiot. He wondered if Lorne had rigged the security cameras to watch him make a fool out of himself, but that didn’t seem like Evan’s style. The note in his pocket was already worn at the edges, he had read it and reread it so many times as he thought the matter over. He pulled it out again. Maybe Evan had changed his mind and chickened out?

Once John had made the decision to meet him, to try again, the idea had stuck in his head and wouldn’t let go. He still had feelings for Evan. He gave up waiting and went to Lorne’s quarters. Lorne looked surprised to see him when he answered the door chime. “Hello. Invite me in?” John asked. Evan stepped aside and John walked in. “I waited.” He held up the note.

Evan’s eyes went wide. “I’m so sorry...”

“So am I,” John replied and grabbed him by the shoulders, pulling him in and kissing him. Evan resisted at first but then gave a low moan and returned the kiss with equal fervor, grabbing John’s head and pulling him closer. When John came up for air, he pressed his forehead to Evan’s. “I missed you. I want to try again too.”

This was not at all what Evan had planned. He had actually started to apologize for John getting the note - how had John gotten the note? He thought he would never be able to properly apologize to John for the way things ended between them, though he had regretted it ever since. That John was apparently willing to forgive him was a surprise. “I didn’t know how to make it right,” he whispered, kissing John’s jaw and pressing up against him. “I thought you hated me.”

“I did, for a while, but I guess not as much as I thought. Can we start again?”

“Yeah, that would be great. I’m really glad you got my note.”

The EndOriginally posted at

fandom: stargate atlantis, y_2012 lb 9 square, rating: gen, lb: sorry seems, pairing: sheppard/lorne, tt: love letter lunacy, size: 500 to 999, 10 tropes, orientation: slash

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