The Nature of Fandom

Feb 20, 2006 20:09

Since entering the Firefly fandom, I've been exposed to a fair number of... unusual pairings than in my previous fandom. Incest, slash, inanimate objects (*cough*Vera*/cough ( Read more... )


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Comments 22

nomdeploom February 21 2006, 04:45:57 UTC
Oh I'm with ya... incest!fic just wigs me out.. I've no idea where that's comin from. I only hope... ugh, that the people who write it and read it don't er... have siblings. I know this is like... an unpopular thing to say in Firefly fandom but.. even if there's canonical evidence.. I'm still goin.. gross! but you know.... Gross Joss!!


rinalin February 21 2006, 04:54:34 UTC
I hear ya on the ewww. But for Simon/River, it's not that hard for me to suspend disbelief, especially since the incest, as it's written, is always wrong. The characters (or at least Simon) knows that it's bad and wrong and so forth.

It's not something I'd ever write for myself, or even read, really. But I can see where it makes sense.

Real People incest though? Where does that come from?!


nomdeploom February 21 2006, 04:55:59 UTC
*shivers* I'm not sure we wanna know.


rinalin February 21 2006, 04:56:58 UTC
The thing that frightens me about it, is... how many steps exactly from writing it is doing it?


lyndalynn February 21 2006, 04:48:07 UTC
Yanno. I've never been a fan of Slash. Not that I ever put down anyone's fan fun. But- just not my bag. But after reading a few arguments on Mal/Simon, I went back and rewatched some eps...and you know--practically canon!

It's no wonder Simon never had a thing for Kaylee.


rinalin February 21 2006, 04:56:02 UTC

I know. I so didn't see it until I started reading fanfic. But you watch the show...and it's just so there.

I think that some of Sean's fan-boy love of Nathan just shines through. Have you seen some of his interviews? Or out takes between the two of them? They're just SO CUTE!


bradcpu February 21 2006, 04:56:12 UTC
Heh. Yeah, there's some pretty freaky stuff out there. I try not to judge anything other than the structure, writing, and storytelling, but sometimes the content can be a little aback-taking.

Big yay for the writing progress. I'm becoming intimately familiar with the depth of creative ruts. Clip-pulling for the new vid is inching along. Barely making any progress. I know what I want to do, but it's like climbing a mountain. The flu doesn't help. (/whine)


rinalin February 21 2006, 05:00:52 UTC
How can you not judge when it's so... *struggles for words* Disturbing?!

Someone had to think this stuff up, and that's one thing, but to sit and write it out and deem it worthy of sharing with the world???

Sorry the vid is going so slow. Take a break, work on something else. :)

Awww, and the flu sucks! Believe me, I've seen my fair share of cases at work. Take care of yourself, and if you need any advice, let me know.


bradcpu February 21 2006, 05:10:11 UTC
A lot of people don't seem to have a filter between their brains and their keyboards. I've just come to accept that. Plus no matter how disturbing these things are, they're just words... and that's all I see. Now actually doing it, that's a different story - so to speak.

As for the flu and the vid, I'll conquer both in time. It's just that time is mocking me with its spinning colors and bouncy lights. Think I need to lie down.

Your icon made me smile. Thanks.


rinalin February 21 2006, 05:13:24 UTC
Humor is the best medicine. ;)


loveflyfree February 21 2006, 05:49:45 UTC
It's funny because I know that River/Simon is popular but I really just see them as brother and sister and nothing more. Now I am guilty of liking other incest fic, esp. the Weasleys in HP and the Winchester brothers in Supernatural. Why this is... who knows? The taboo maybe? The thrill of knowing something is wrong? I dunno. (Yes I have a brother. No I don't want to have sex with him ( ... )


rinalin February 21 2006, 15:26:37 UTC
I do look the other way. Very much so. Which is why I hadn't come across this before.

And for me, it's not so much the slash, or the incest, non-con, or the RP fic. It's combining all four that's made my head spin.

If authors are responding to a market... then I ask, who are these people? And why do they want this kind of story?

I'd like to understand, it'll make me feel less squicky.


loveflyfree February 22 2006, 02:30:21 UTC
If authors are responding to a market... then I ask, who are these people? And why do they want this kind of story?dude, I don't think I can help you there. I have no idea what makes people like certain things. but I think often that people want to read something crazy out there and then once they read or write it or whatever they move on ( ... )


rinalin February 22 2006, 03:31:46 UTC
I had a nice looooong reply all typed up and then LJ ate it.

Firstly, babble away. It's helping me to understand.

Yes, I'm going to Flan (pardon me while I Squeee!) and I'm hoping to god I don't make a fool of myself. I've met one other celeberity from a fandom I used to write for and had the whole knees shaking, heart pounding, flushed face, stuttering like a fool thing going on. *head desk* But before I met him, I watched him in a play and it definitely hit home that 'wow, I've not only imagined this guy nekkid, I've written detailed step-by-step smut about him too.'

also I think because I have had other people slash me with my then roommate, that it just doesn't phase me. does that work? They just thought you two were getting it on? Or was there actual fiction involved ( ... )


badbh February 21 2006, 09:26:47 UTC
There is loads of fic I can't read, it makes me go eeewww. But sometimes despite the eeewwwww-factor, if the author is good enough I'll be able to cope :)

I don't like slash, but then again I'm not a huge fan of non-canon pairings, so maybe that is where that comes from. I make an exception for Jayne, cause so many people write him and Kaylee so well.

I used to hate Rayne, with the ick-factor, but then I read a few that were so well written it actually made sense :)

But River & Simon, no. Never going there. Maybe it is cause I have brothers and the whole incest thing is totally gross. Totally. Utterly. Anything else, once it is consensual I can read. But incest. No.


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