The Nature of Fandom

Feb 20, 2006 20:09

Since entering the Firefly fandom, I've been exposed to a fair number of... unusual pairings than in my previous fandom. Incest, slash, inanimate objects (*cough*Vera*/cough ( Read more... )


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loveflyfree February 21 2006, 05:49:45 UTC
It's funny because I know that River/Simon is popular but I really just see them as brother and sister and nothing more. Now I am guilty of liking other incest fic, esp. the Weasleys in HP and the Winchester brothers in Supernatural. Why this is... who knows? The taboo maybe? The thrill of knowing something is wrong? I dunno. (Yes I have a brother. No I don't want to have sex with him.)

I find the non-con part of it far more troubling than the incest. That bugs me no matter what the pairing, slash or het. But then I know I have some issues that will probably never go away so I just avoid things that look like they might squick me. (Unless the fic is just so absurdly bad, and then frankly it's just kinda funny.)

Also I try to keep in mind that just because a person writes something, doesn't mean they believe in it. And often times, these people that you are sickened by, are actually responding to a "market", if you will, in fandom. I find that people will write anything (and I fully include myself in this) if it gets them feedback.

I dunno. I guess I just look the other way when I come across stuff I don't like. Seems to have kept me somewhat sane. :)


rinalin February 21 2006, 15:26:37 UTC
I do look the other way. Very much so. Which is why I hadn't come across this before.

And for me, it's not so much the slash, or the incest, non-con, or the RP fic. It's combining all four that's made my head spin.

If authors are responding to a market... then I ask, who are these people? And why do they want this kind of story?

I'd like to understand, it'll make me feel less squicky.


loveflyfree February 22 2006, 02:30:21 UTC
If authors are responding to a market... then I ask, who are these people? And why do they want this kind of story?

dude, I don't think I can help you there. I have no idea what makes people like certain things. but I think often that people want to read something crazy out there and then once they read or write it or whatever they move on.

I'm totally talking out of my ass here. :)

and scanning some of the other comments in this post, as well as remembering something you (I think it was you) posted... are you going to Flan 2? because I can tell you that when I met them, I could hardly remember things like what day it was or what my name was, let alone that I have written fic about them. :)

several years ago when I started writing popslash I had no idea that rps was something that people frowned upon. (oh so young and naive *g*) anyway, by the time I figured that out, I had written/read so much of it, it just didn't seem weird to me. also I think because I have had other people slash me with my then roommate, that it just doesn't phase me. I know what the truth is. also when I write rps, I don't think I'm really capturing that person. for instance I've been poking at a nathan/adam (which frankly may never see the light of day) but once I start writing them... my nathan is not the nathan I've seen in interviews or whatever. he's almost as fictional as mal. I would never presume that I've captured any real truth about any real person I'm writing about.

eh. I'm babbling at this point. :)


rinalin February 22 2006, 03:31:46 UTC
I had a nice looooong reply all typed up and then LJ ate it.

Firstly, babble away. It's helping me to understand.

Yes, I'm going to Flan (pardon me while I Squeee!) and I'm hoping to god I don't make a fool of myself. I've met one other celeberity from a fandom I used to write for and had the whole knees shaking, heart pounding, flushed face, stuttering like a fool thing going on. *head desk* But before I met him, I watched him in a play and it definitely hit home that 'wow, I've not only imagined this guy nekkid, I've written detailed step-by-step smut about him too.'

also I think because I have had other people slash me with my then roommate, that it just doesn't phase me. does that work? They just thought you two were getting it on? Or was there actual fiction involved?

I really am coming to understand a little better, but the combination of RP/Slash/Incest/Non-con will forever be in the Land of Squick. But I'm also seeing how if one or two of those aspects is okay for an author it wouldn't be so far a stretch to combine them.

Regardless, I'm kinda glad for all the discussion the initial post has brought up. Yay for making new friends!


loveflyfree February 22 2006, 04:28:03 UTC
I will also be at Flan so we will definitely have to meet up. :) does that work? They just thought you two were getting it on? Or was there actual fiction involved?

not that I know of, although we were threatened with it enough times. or at least not written. we had a friend staying with us one time that would occassionaly exclaim 'OMG I'm slashing you guys right now!' mostly people just thought we were a couple and were SO CONVINCED that it really didn't matter what we said. so after awhile we just kinda went with it. so I think that's mostly where my attitude towards rps comes from. it's all just fiction, and most of the time (because there are always wackjobs everywhere that try to ruin things) it's born out of genuine affection. so I really can't see anything wrong with that. :)

but yeah. combining all of those things together is a little much. things like that usually seem to me to be 'look at how daring I can be' which to me is just boring.

and yes. new friends... definitely of the good.


rinalin February 22 2006, 04:34:29 UTC
it's born out of genuine affection

I think that's the heart of the matter right there. It's easy to get caught up in OTPs and fandoms and all that stuff, people tend to forget that mutual affection for something (or in these cases some people) is what brought us all together.

*happy sigh*

I think I've safely moved from Fandom-squick to fandom-high. I love everyone about now.

I'm getting more excited for Flan as we go! So many people to meet, and everyone loving Firefly! *dances*

I just hope by the time I save up for the Cocktail and Banquet and photo ops that they wont be sold out!


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