The Nature of Fandom

Feb 20, 2006 20:09

Since entering the Firefly fandom, I've been exposed to a fair number of... unusual pairings than in my previous fandom. Incest, slash, inanimate objects (*cough*Vera*/cough*).

Not to say that I hadn't come across Slash before. I have, I just hadn't wanted to read it. Whereas now... I adore Mal/Simon. And you throw any pairing at me, in the right author's hands, and I'm almost guaranteed to like it. Jayne/Simon. Wash/Mal. Jayne/Mal. There's a fair amount of suspending my disbelief ('cause I have a hard time believing Jayne would bend over for anybody) and I almost never read the actual smut part of slash, cause I just can't handle the gory details.

My point here being, that Firefly has it's share of off the wall pairings. And while I might look askance at some of the CSI, it's not like Simon/River is unfounded. You watch the show and the evidence is pretty much right there if you're looking for it. Simon and River have an unhealthy love for one another, it's practically canon.

I found myself stumbbling into a multifandom challenge community today and I'm a little sickened by people. If someone can please explain to me how someone takes two living, breathing people who are related to eachother (often brothers) and writes graphic non-consenual sex about them can call it... whatever the hell they call it.

How in anyone's mind is that even...

How do you get that idea? How do you get it and then proceed to write it and still think it's a good idea?

Do these people think it's normal or that such scenerios are okay?!


Okay, I'm done with my rant. I'll just be sticking to my sweet, innocent, slashy, CSIy Firefly, thank you.

Speaking of...I actually wrote today! 600 words! I think I'm breaking out of my rut! aelora, I finished the first full scene of your fic, topping out at 822 words. You may just get the whole damn thing yet!


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