Firefly/Serenity Fans Meme!

Feb 16, 2006 18:12

So dawnydiesel has a Firefly/Serenity Meet & Greet type meme. You fill out a little profile, and then read the others, and come across people you hadn't met before who share love of same pairings and what not. And find out those who like you *blows kisses at flist*.

Also, in case I haven't already say it, wily_one24, I LOVE YOU!

Name: Rinny (aka Rinalin)

Age: 23

Location: Bellingham, WA

Favorite Characters & Pairings: Jayne. It's all about Jayne, baby. How could anyone not adore him? Jayne/Kaylee is my OTP, but I love lots of others. I'll read just about any ship (except Simon/Kaylee) if it's well written. I'm developing a soft spot for Zoe/Jayne, Zoe/Simon, and Jayne/Inara.

Fandom Contributions (fic, icons, communities, etc): Fic. And lots of it. I also run the multifandom fic challenge community Several_Ways. Come, join. Get more Firefly fic involved. I've also made icons, and done Firefly themed LJ layouts and banners for several friends: wily_one24, bradcpu, aliaspiral and thegranddewru.

Fave Firefly/Serenity Community: ff_fanfic probably.

Pimp your favorite Firefly/Serenity author/artist: So many! writwritewrote, ana_grrl just never ceases to amaze me, I'm always in awe (if only I could get her to write more Jayne/Kaylee), vandonovan, bradcpu writes some awesome episodic-fics, wily_one24 is my Queen of Jaylee, and I'm so aliaspiral's bitch...I can't help but read what she writes, doesn't matter that I don't generally like Rayne, if she writes it, you can be gorram sure I'm going to read.

Other Fandoms You Like: Veronica Mars, Lost, *cringe* Dawson's Creek. Though I'm not active in any of them.

What's In Your Journal? Mostly fandom stuff, more recently some real life drama.

Friends-locked, Public Or Both? Public.

Anything Else? I LOVE JAYNE! Oh, wait... did I already say that?

Now you all go play [ here].

firefly, meme

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