Laurince Legacy, Generation 19.4!

Feb 22, 2015 01:19

So, last time, Sadie kicked off her 20 woohoo partners LTW with some match-ups from the magic crystal ball. She also was unable to get a blind date, notifying me that I made broken-ass townies. Again. Saul II tried to mack on Quistis, which I quickly squelched with some SimPE family tags. His turn ons are elderly ladies that can cook. *head desk* Evangelina wanted to fall in love with her son-in-law, Triton, while he somehow managed to fall in mutual love with Quistis. I perhaps need to rethink my love of unconventional household situations.

September became a child, while Styx became a toddler. Ron went to college. I found Saul a couple of prospects that weren't menopausal. Raine had another baby (just one!), a boy named Sean. Silenus became a teen, rolling Pleasure/Popularity and an interest in dudes. Styx became a cute child. Raine topped her Gamer career, hitting her LTW. Then she and Triton oopsed me with another pregnancy. Sean became a toddler, September questioned her mother's culinary choices, and Sadie and Saul went off to Uni. Raine gave birth to her final child, a boy named Samson. Then she went on birth control and found a job offer in her ~true calling~, Dance.

So this update's like 200 pictures. Sorry not sorry.

You know, I don't even know why I bothered with Triton's LTW. He went perma-plat from all the fulfillingness having all the kids in the first place granted. (I kid, I aimed for it with Thor Bork, even though he'd already had one LTW.)

The younger girls are bonding, which isn't all that surprising.

These two continue to be absolutely adorable.

And, with the wonkiness in V-ville fixed, Silenus heads out to find his perfect match!

...after all that work, you have got to be kidding me.

Guess it got too warm outside?

I think I made the right choice in hoping Triton would hook up with Raine.

Despite Raine's bizarre devotion to dance, her OTH is actually Nature. Which is handy for me, as I need someone to carry on with the gardening...Quimby won't be around forever, no matter how much I wish he would be.

Apparently, I would have had no trouble getting Evangelina her LTW. Professor McClueless probably shouldn't be discussing this on a date with her grandson, however.

I guess all the gardening work is done. For some reason, I kept panicking every time they'd get it on, because I had already forgotten I put Raine on the pill last update.


Silenus and I gave up.

...don't know why the gypsy dropped him off, when he's obviously not into guys.

Back to the good ol' crystal ball, Silenus has some chemistry with this guy. Facially, a meh. Sartorially, an UGHHH.

Poor Silenus is too adorable to be stuck with all the weird dates he keeps getting.

...uh, Psyche?


So, when do you think Mom's having another baby?

The day after NEVER, Styx.

PARTY TIME, Raine's siblings + Ron + Saul II 'n' Sadie

We've got a double birthday on our hands again. It's what happens in a sim house when there are approximately seventy-three single births in a generation.

Something tells me September's going to be a bit conflicted in her goals...outside of buying the most expensive toys.

She wants to be an architect, which I don't think I've had anybody do yet.

I don't know why Sean's so amazed he grew up well. They've even been doing that in the ISBI, lately.

Miss September has her some ~options~

Still gorgeous, and turning out less Raine-cloney as she ages!

Sean's still a bit awkwardly pale. I'm trying my best, but he may have to start dying his hair or something, for contrast.

September wanted an afterschool job, but I'm wondering if this here is some nepotism in action.

Saul and Silenus smustle with their uncles. Apparently, Thanatos is there, too. Maybe I invited him over because I kinda refuse to invite over Ruth.

Thank god. The flamenco outfit is actually good.

I wish I was that self-confident.

Hey, Roxy is pretty, even if she also glows in the dark!

When can you take Silenus with you, Sadie?

...he's only sixteen, Aunt Quistis.

You just don't like him because you have no chance with him, Quistis.

Phew. The family will not have to dig into their backlog of 900 eggplants before Raine can plant more.

Because here's some horrifying truth. In the next day or two, Gen 17 is probably going to no longer be with us. At least in its entirety.



Raine gives Samson some special attention, but babies are boring compared to their six older siblings that can actually do shit. of you is going to get out of bed and immediately croak at some point, aren't you?

We have two kids in college and two in high school. I feel so old.

And because you still have one in diapers, guess what? You're going to feel very old before I can pick out an heir!

September tries out the crystal ball, and it spits out a long ago spare's kid: Hardy Cooper, son of Gloria.

Considering her brother wanted to hop on grandpa's first cousin, this is pretty much non-incestuous.

This is a little better, Psyche... long as you can wait until he's done with his homework, you can.

So, your grandma told me that she wanted soup for dinner tonight...



Simultaneously upstairs, Quistis become non-responsive.

But I wanted tomato soup. With my husband!


Wait, did Evang have a perfect relationship with all 9 kids? With 8 off lot? DAMN.

Poor Quimby.

Sorry I roped you into this, Evang, but it looks like you managed to have some fun in the house, right?

Quistis, the creepy smile as you pass is not helping Styx out here!




Grim, stop grandstanding for screen time!

Popularity sim.

...bye. :( :( You were a great spouse, even if you had to have one of each kind of multiple births. :( :(

So, luckily, this day of death won't damage Samson too much--babies are too young for fears.

Game, you put hairs bigger than toddlers on my toddlers, and then you make the one named SAMSON bald?!

Silenus is a bit too choked up for cake, guys.

However, September's plugging away on her date. It surprisingly didn't tank that much.

Samson's pretty cute. It's hard to get too angry at his existence.

September's got her first kiss!

...Quimby's sadly trying to disappear into the hammock.

Wait, I bet Grandpa's even more sad than I am!

...guess whatever works, if it cheers him up?


oh, right. Birth control. Carry on.

Don't turn to booze, Quimby!!!!

So...I honestly don't want Raine and Triton two days away from death by the time Samson went to college, but I wanted his siblings to advance evenly with him.

Wait. WHAT? here's the deal. I added one more row of plots to give Raine some extra experience planting, which somehow made bugs appear despite the ladybug houses, and here's Quimby spraying his first plant. Ever.

And now he's a plant sim. What?

Oh well, maybe now he'll live as long as Orchid?

who am I kidding, he only has two days left, tops

Welp, time to turn all the sunlamps in the house back on.

You're bored with this, Raine?

She's happier with the walking instruction, apparently.


Okay, toots. No more ladybug houses. I was just gonna get rid of that last row once your tomatoes were harvested, but whatever.

Shh, guys. It's the most important stage in sim-toddler development (according to Raine): the nursery rhyme.

I had Triton invite in Elliott Ilija here, totally forgetting that he was the one I married off to Drake's half-sister, not his brother.

Ophelia stopped by, too, but I don't know that she was in a good state to invite in. What are you doing in the bush, dear?

September's off to work, losing her hair like her mother before her.

Mommy, I'm so glad you're still here. I don't want to play with Sean, he's a baby.

Styx, I don't know that I've ever seen you even interact with your little brother, so aren't you being a little harsh?





...wait, why are you playing with Styx?

Sadie and Ron are coming over...


So much choice~~

September's an overachiever, now.

Well, you know what would really be overachieving, dear? Getting your hooks into either Gandalf or Alan.

Styx might have a shot, now, too. Birthday time!

While everyone is cheering...'re my favorite son-in-law, Triton.

You're just saying that because he's the only one I let father any children, Quimby!

Knowledge/Pleasure for Styx, so nerdly.

She wants to be an Oceanographer...I don't think we've had one of those, either?

She's into dudes. Quick, go after Gandalf or Alan!

Oh...well, Gandalf, September takes after her mother quite a bit...

I'm okay with this development. September did this all on her own.

But...I think Styx is now a bit cuter than her BFF older sister. Great combo of parents, has Triton's grandpa Marty's eyes.

...Alan, you look a bit too happy to be hugging her here.

September wanted a scholarship, so she checked in with SSU--of course she's got the Tsang Footwork Award.

What do you mean, my skirt's too short? It's not like it's winter or something!

I...think Saul's trying to be an overprotective big brother. But it is summer right now, so Styx is dressed as appropriately as the rest of the Gen 19 siblings still living at home.

Oh, right. Alan has to be persuaded to cheat on his wife.

*sigh* Oh Reeve, if only you'd managed to find romance with Asteria, we could be reading about your gaggle of children right. now.

Samson still, somehow, doesn't know how to talk. Grandpa Quimby's on the job, especially since there's a sunlamp right over him!

Why are you so angry, Silenus? You wanted to skill!

September's on her way to another unconventional scholarship, maybe?

Ah, he must've known that last skill point was a precursor to kicking him out.

Look, Silenus, you'll be a YA and invited back for a million parties until I can finally play college!

After Helle's ordeals over at the Bork house, I'm feeling less irritated with parents being glad their children were born.

All major toddler skills completed, Samson promptly wastes his smart milk glow on a toy boat.

Of course, Raine's spraying multiple plants half-naked, so she's not a plant sim yet.

Don't eat that, silly!

Here's YA Silenus.

Ironically, since Evang's eyes look way different on dudes than girls, I think Silenus probably takes quite a bit after Raine, despite looking quite a bit different from her.

Raine, I don't appreciate your love of nature leading you to continue doing gardening during a hailstorm.

Oh sure, notice you're getting pummeled after I send you under a roof.

So, in order to keep her from becoming an elder halfway into Samson's childhood, she's getting one dose of elixir. I don't use it too often, but it's usually to keep timelines more sensible.

Triton gets one, too!

I had managed to install two conflicting instrument hacks, so, to celebrate getting that sorted, we hauled out the bass I bought for Silenus that no one could use...and gave them a drumset so they could have half a band!

(Don't worry, the barre is installed precariously on that left-handed wall with the windows now.)

And September gets hit by the very last three hailstones of the storm.

I couldn't figure out a good way to make the drums accessible in the space we had, so they've got a flying V guitar instead, now.

Guess what, September, my shoes are orange! :D

They are!

I let the kids bring home a friend for once, and she heads straight for the bar.

Styx is competing with big sis Sadie for boyfriend with the most bitching afro, I see.



Don't make fun of your uncle, Styx!

I teleported him to the photoshoot lot to take hair preview pics, and he was so in the tank with aspiration failure, I had to wait like 2 sim hours for the therapist to finish with him, PLUS, all his wants involved resurrecting Evangelina!

On one hand, these two are too cute.

On the other hand, if I get them together and Styx is heir, I'll need to make about twenty more puffy hair rextures just in case.

Aw, Samson, don't worry, just because it happened on your last birthday--


Quimby, noooo!

But who will help Samson get an A+? this family? Anybody. Don't worry about that, Quimb-dog.

He knew a hell of a lot of people, didn't he?

This'll be a fun last kid, won't it, guys?

Inheritance for everybody!

...poor September's home from work now.

...somehow, Samson immediately pulled himself out of the gutter, back into well-adjusted. I don't even know.

Obviously, he needed more hair. He's growing more adorable with each transistion!

...oh, so you're here to date my youngest daughter?

Don't worry, Dad.

Grandpa said he was a very nice young man.

Styx gets her first kiss.

I decide I want the kids to move up another collective day of aging.

Samson's got the same OTH as his Mommy, how cute.

The girls, due to their main aspirations, are skilling machines. Given they've both done some dating, and ONLY want to skill, I still don't think losing out on a couple of days of teenhood's gonna hurt them any.

Poor simkids, having to go to school in the middle of the summer.

Surely, she'll become part plant any day now? RIGHT, GAME?

So, I never do the FT hobby cards...

...but I couldn't help myself here. And was duly rewarded...

September manages to bring this creepy dude home with her. It's his fault Abby Laurince looks so weird, he fathered her.

And I have the MATY hack to keep these take-homes age appropriate, so IDGWTF happened here with Greg showing up on the schoolbus.

I'm the new choreographer for the dance team.

...not for long.

Between Raine and September, I bet that high school could win a national title handily!

September's off to putt-putt for a Communications scholarship, anyway.

Asteria showed up, somehow. I think we invited her in so much, she thinks she can just crash here now.

You're letting your daughter drink, Raine? How liberal.

Don't be silly, Aunt Asteria, it's a Shirley Temple! :D

Bye, sweetie. Make sure you do your homework and listen to your big sisters!

What do you mean, you don't want me to spike your drink now that your mom's gone.

September and I have to watch the boys, and we have to keep our wits about us!

September teaches Samson how to study...

And Styx keeps Sean occupied with age-appropriate activities.

Hi, Daddy!

Why is my sister here?

That's what I want to know, Triton!

Didn't do any doodling at the craft table, Sean?

...I can't believe you said this would be more interesting than TV, Dad!

Raine's topped the dance career.

Balance has returned to the force.

...after this, I got a hack to make them put all their books away.

(There are walk-through blocks under the blankets to help make the nursery more navigable, but Raine's idiotic kids see them as ~tables~.)

Someone broke a shower, and the repairdude showed me that their television was apparently broken. No wonder Samson was so disappointed with the substitution of chess!

I love school!


This lovely lady is Nadzieja and I've wanted her in this family for years. I tried to hook her up with FLINT, for god's sake!

Look at my lovely ballerina! Her rose themed accessories kinda go with the outfit!


Sean's gonna be a teen!

I don't think your chances are looking too good, bud, rolling Family after having two different legacies having concurrent generations where Marry Off 6 Kids was a thing.

He wants to be an artist like Dad, though, so it's not quite so bad.

Tell ya what. Fall in love with Nadzieja, and all bets are off. awkward.

I'm so trying a different color hair on him in Uni. It can't possibly make things worse.

Hey guys, Planet Normal isn't exactly flirting it up on your brother/sister's first floor landing!

Why does no one appreciate art anymore?!

That' interesting way to clap there, Sean.

September's wringing some cash out of her uncle.

Raine's home from work with a friend...'s Penelope! I forgot she was my first awesome ballerina. Good to see you're still refusing to wear career outfits, bb.

I hear someone had a happy birthday~

Seriously, Reno? Asteria? Fooling nobody.

Sean is actually getting along pretty well with Nadzieja. Is this going to be the generation where it's Sophie's choice because of all the potentially awesome partners?

Styx decides that September's got the right idea for earning college money.

And somehow, Rex and Silenus decided they didn't like each other.

I'm happy I met my nephew, so I could tell him what a dumbass he is!

Whatever, Rex. I'm about ready to rescind your residency on ~Planet Normal~

But observe: he's crying like a little weanie.

Because you're being a douchebag, Rex!

These two are too busy getting busy to notice the mistreatment of their son.

Fresh from picking on Silenus, Rex has to wait his turn to show favoritism to the OTHER instrument-playing niece.

Hey, it's not my fault only some of my brother's kids are useful.

It's your fault something crawled up your ass and di--

--wait a minute. Maybe Rex is just frustrated that I never let him and Nike procreate. Oh boo hoo, the hood's getting overpopulated as it is, and the kid would inevitably end up committing incest. Is that what you really want?

Welp, I guess that'll buy a few lattes at Starbucks.

Let me give money to you, too, dear.

This is more grandmotherly than Penelope has ever been to Ron. Her grandson.

Uh, Saul? You might need that money more than September. She's got all the skill scholarships, Tsang footwork, Sim City Scholar, and the Young Entrepeneur's.

I'm gonna have the best college experience EVER.

And, with that, it's time to send September off to Uni. Unless I wanted to tie her to the pool table or get her alien abducted, there's nothing else for her to do here.

Her parents were still run up and say goodbye.

Her BFF little sister did, though!

Good luck, honey!

Triton, look. I'd bet she'd appreciate a phone call once she got there more than you running at her in that speedo. Just a hunch.

Nike, why are you still here? The party's over.

I wanted more cake.

Okay, but when you're done? Go smack your husband on the back of the head.

Here's the current state of the Laurince graveyard. Seventeen generations of graves.

So...I had originally planned to shunt Quistis off to a corner, but I decided she could fit in that gap between Saul and Quimby...and when ghost!Parvati comes out to stretch her legs, ghost!Saul can explain why ghost!Quistis is on the other side of him and they've got matching wedding rings.

She was my niece Saul, what's wrong with you?!

And here's YA September. So, she's definitely not a Raine clone, which got more obvious as she aged, but is blatently true now.

Gen 19 kids left on the lot: Styx, Sean, and Samson. They'll all be at Uni after Samson's got a couple days of teenhood, tops. I'm so sad about Quimby, but...I obviously keep playing legacy style and everyone eventually will die. OMG RAINE MIGHT BE NEXT T__________T

I updated the family tree not too long ago, added in Gen 18. Also did a hair dump since the last update, since between the Laurinces and Borks and their varying hair textures, I've been needing more options.

I installed Pets on a whim the other day. So, next update, the Laurinces will be the proud new owners of a sim version of my stupid, late kitty. At least you can kind of ignore animals by not adding any more to the household if/when you get sick of them, right?

As I said on Tumblr, I'm weird about EPs. Maybe my sims will get to have vacations and apartments someday, but that day will not be today.

Totally downloaded a bunch of oldish hair meshes with plans to resurrect them into decent hairstyles, as I'm wont to do. So we'll see when I get around to that.

Borks will be next. I have played them up to Uni, and it's basically two updates worth, so they may just get two in a row. Phew.

veronaville, laurince legacy

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