So I’ve started drawing/planning/scripting a graphic novel, working title "Foothold". Currently I’m looking to one volume, about seven or eight chapters long. It’s a sort of hybrid between Watchmen, Atlas Shrugged and those nostalgic 1960s Captain America comics that I never admit in public to reading.
It follows (roughly) the lives of five characters-two Americans (an amateur sharpshooter and a lawyer), an Israeli ex-IDF special ops commando (Sayeret Mat’kal), a Japanese investigative journalist in the employ of the Japanese Government and an English philosopher fleeing the ruins of his country-in a near-future world in which most of Europe has become socialist and America is just starting to succumb, who volunteer themselves to fighting a wave of domestic terrorism in a hostile (idiotarian) society. It’s set in Philadelphia (and thanks so much to all the Philadelphians helping me out with this!) and contains lots of firearms, krav maga, packets of Lucky Strikes and references to “The Star-Spangled Banner”. Also a not inconsiderable quantity of hummus.
Massive thanks to Tommy for helping me out with planning all this shit; knowing my ability to write plots, this wouldn’t have even started getting off the ground.
The art will all be available on my
deviantART, and everything-the art, scripts and research-will be available on the