Watched the the new episode today and must admit that it was infinitely better than I thought it would be. Based entirely on the advertisements, I truly thought this thing would suck and I was pleasantly surprised that it didn't. Don't get me wrong: it wasn't perfect by any stretch of the imagination. The sudden reveal that McGee has a jetpack obsession and has for years was one of those "uh huh. Suuuure" moments, and I thought the entire lawyer chick/COL Bell subplot seriously dragged the episode down, but otherwise, it was tolerable. High points:
- Jimmy. Seriously, he stole the show with his scenes and I want to see more of him.
- Tony as competent and funny agent. It was a pleasant change from the usual either/or that modern NCIS does with him.
- Jimmy's squirrel story. snicker
- Tony & Ziva working together. It was almost as though all of the ugliness that's happened between them never transpired ... but once again, I was sad to see absolutely no hint of "shippy" vibes between them. Truly, romantic TIVA appears to be well and truly dead. Anymore, I see more sexual tension between Tony and Gibbs, and if you know how much I loath slash, that should tell you something.
- Jimmy's deadpan delivery of "I begged and begged" at the beginning of the episode.
- Gibbs slapping McGee on the head. It came at the very moment I started to think "shut up, already. Jeez."
- Abby's childishness being dialed back to season 1 levels.
Distressingly, the advert for next week's episode - the one with Tony's dad - actually made me look forward to the episode less than I was expecting it to. I hope that I'm wrong, but it almost appears as if they're going to completely ditch all of the hints Tony has dropped over the years implying an abusive (psychologically, if not physically) upbringing with his father, possibly in favor of just making Tony the butt of an episode-long joke. Is it wrong of me to actually want DiNozzo Senior to turn out to be a complete jackass? Because otherwise, it means that Ziva is the only one whose father is truly scum and I'm already sick of the subtle Israel-bashing this show does on a regular basis.