Camping and the Days after

Sep 04, 2008 09:08

Though I didn't get the gumption to write down this weekend's events, I do want to remark on it. Camping out on p_dawgydog's family property was wonderful. A good group of adventurers were we. There was hiking, exploring, relaxing, giggling (haha John, haha) , interesting conversations, wildlife, and burrs galore! Zion had a good run of the campsite, I don't know if the guys would let me bring him out again after this but he's my baggage. Let's hope we get another weekend like this in again, be it this year or next, I'm in.

A quickie shot before everyone made it there.

Abandoned house, it was full of animal droppings but it looked neat.

Lest we forget that just about everything we do has repercussions. Our trip caused a bit of misunderstanding and tempers flew, but I do believe at this time, things are worked out? My outlook is rather gloomy for the most part, but one thing I do hope and pray for is that happiness is widely spread throughout my friends. It disturbs me from time to time, the reactions of the folks around here, but I love them with all my heart. Tempers are going to flare, people's feelings are going to be hurt, and words are going to fly, I know this all and I'll be the one sitting here sighing; witting it down or just taking it silently, trying to wrap my head around the issues. I'll almost always be sitting on the fencepost, I can see the different sides of an argument but I'll take it hard because that is who I am.

Anyway, HUGE hugs to everyone this weekend, we all deserve it. I moved here and it still is hard with feeling part of things (it is quite my own fault, I am aware of that). Everyone has great points and accomplishments, Jarett has found a wonderful group of friends to be in and I will continue to sneak in there and make it comfortable for myself and others :)

The rest of this week is going to be work and online stuffs. I got a really awesome sketch of Xenophon and Wile from an artist on FA (it makes me squee), and I have had the chance to write a bit more of my stories. I'm working on taking the initiative to sketch/draw again, but self confidence lacks so it might hold off a bit longer.

writing, art, camping, friends

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