MeMe for You-You

Aug 25, 2008 09:26

So I was tagged by laceauora and to honor his birthday I did it. Everyone ready because here we gooooo!

*Da Rules - You have been tagged, you have to write a blog with 10 random things, facts, goals, or habits about yourself. At the end, choose 10 people to be tagged, listing their names & why you chose them. You can't tag a person who has tagged you.

~1: When I was born, my name was supposed to be Dathan, a man from the Old Testament. That idea changed when my dad discovered Dathan was swallowed by the earth for his misdoings.

~2: I was a total accident, my dad even wrote in my baby book “We were not expecting you,” that's all he wrote. My mom wrote about my first smile and all the things I received for my birth.

~3: Before I was a year old I had terrible pneumonia several times, threating my life.

~4: I started riding when I was 8yrs old, getting my first pony a year later (“Lucky 4 Me”).

~5: During my show career, I have shown against American and Canadian Olympians, placing above them on several occasions.

~6: A trusting person, I tend to follow my heart and care about others before myself. That said, it takes a lot to gain my full trust and impossible to get it back once it is lost.

~7: The bulk of my equestrian adventures were paid for by hard work and dedication: work from sunup to sundown, on call 24hs a day, no vacation time, not a clock to govern my hours- they are horses, they do not stop needing something. It's the best life for me.

~8: I am terrified of public places. People frighten me and I have had panic attacks bad enough to make it impossible to continue the day.

~9: When in passing of other people I hold my breath until they pass. Once they are by me I inhale, taking in their scent (unless they look dirty, in which I just hold my breath until I feel it is safe to breath again). This is also the case when I am out with friends... I can not help it.

~10: My OCD's include: things must be organized/categorized, I have to leave my space cleaner than when I came in (hotel rooms, friends houses, my dorm, work), towels are 3-fold and hang at the same level, and patterns should align correctly with all the same pattern going the same way... to name a few.

I tag: Whomever is reading this and has not done it yet. I mean, seriously, I have like no buds on LJ and those I do have, have already done this!


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