Kumquats and the weekend

Sep 17, 2008 11:49

I love the word "kumquat" don't you? Come on everyone, say it with me "Kum-quat" now again, "Kumquat!" Ah good, you are my favorite! Haha, so random.

Ok, ok, I never got the gumption to sit and write about the weekend, and with one being a bit more active away from work, it should be something to talk about!

Saturday came in at work which was a real pain in the ass. It is Canadian Tire's 86th birthday so to celebrate they had a two-day sale with coupons and prizes. The schedule was set to have myself on the floor... seriously that was it. I was running the floor by myself for the first two hours, only one guy in the auto department to do returns, ridiculous! When that was all over, one of the cashiers snuck me a coupon for a free cake to whom I am grateful because I LOVE cake! When at home, Jarett and I shuffled around a bit doing things, went for sushi, then debated on going to San and Len's place. We almost didn't go, mostly due to me and my anxiety about being around people, but we did end up going last minute (San helped with a little “where are you guys” text, and I felt like a jerk). It was nice to see some new faces and we had a good time. We stayed a bit longer than I initially figured we would; blame it on thump but honestly it was just a relaxed night with friends... other than being held down *grins innocently*

Sunday, Helping Pawz had the 'Terry Fox Run' in Burnaby and I was there to help spot. It was not a large event but a good one. I got a few neat pictures; thump did some drumming, Rennie looking cute as always, the obligatory nitroshep Close-up, and a few others scattered in there. A stop at Red Robin found us lunch and a bit-o-chat about current events with the group.

Jarett and I were supposed to meet up with some of his High School friends at a casino for dinner, but when we got there, they were nowhere to be found. A few calls back and forth we found out that he sent us the wrong ideas on which casino he was at; we were in the wrong one and the one he was at was too far to even think about driving to in time. Jarett and I had a nice dinner at the Cactus Club, instead, and enjoyed the night with each other.

All in all it was a good weekend. Good food, great friends, and a good show by Helping Pawz. I hope we get to do some more events before the year is out, they are a good excuse to be in public and have fun doing it! Oh, just one note: Aphinity, cool your jets. You are not so high and mighty to give orders and frankly, it makes people mad- me being one of them. I am not an idiot, though this is new to me, it is also new to you. Ok, I said my peace. Later dayz!

fursuit, helping pawz, friends

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