Perhaps my mind?
I suspect I left it somewhere...
But of all the somewheres,
None are here.
Was it the fun in fundamental?
Was it the mental in the fun?
Was it the reason for foundation to begin with?
If not my mind, then my heart,
If not my heart, then the heart of me -
Lost I tell thee,
Is my creativity.
This foundation upon which,
I balance all my being,
Built so high and precarious,
Crashing down to re-bar frames,
Naked against a fading sky.
Take these bones and build upon them walls again...
Take these words and inspire with them movement then...
Take this moment, throw it forward into hope,
And leave behind the crumpled rubble of my old base and basis.
Learn to fly by forgetting one can hit the ground.
Learn to soar by forgetting one couldn't fly,
Learn to roar by forgetting one was once a timid speaker.
Learn to be by forgetting one ever had to forget a thing.
Forget by letting go of the ground.
Float upwards.
Remember the sky is so much bigger than you will ever be...
Why should it hold you down with trifles like gravity?
I float away wondering....
I think I've forgotten something fundamental...?
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