Feeling lucky!

Apr 03, 2013 11:10

So, Universe, I know that I often yell at you when things are bad. Sometimes I think I fail to appreciate you when things are good. But no, then I realized, I DO appreciate you, I'm just not as mouthy about it. So, I want to take the time, Universe, dear, to say thank you. I really appreciate the good moments too. Particularly the people around me who have just been amazing these past few weeks in particular (they've been amazing before that and will continue to be I'm sure, but some very good stuff has just started happening after a long stretch of crappy, so I'd like to mention that in particular).

So let me thank you, Universe, for the good times. For the email I just got from my dad that promises me a huge weight off my shoulders and some peace of mind far sooner than I expected. For the friend who when I mentioned a difficulty this week immediately said "I can help with that." To the friend who called me exactly when she said she would (even though I ended up not being able to answer the phone) because she knows how much it means to me to know she thought of me and wanted to chat. To all the people patiently waiting for more Double Bluff and stopping by to write encouraging things. (To all those impatiently waiting who continue to do so politely and not say anything nasty- I appreciate that too, I do.) To the possible new contacts I met in the past week who are EXCITING to talk to and hopefully will become new creative partners. To the fact that I've been able to exercise to the level I want to and still walk the next day lately, that's been especially grand.

Thanks Universe, for reminding me that sometimes I get to have good luck too. Appreciate it. :-D

______________________________________ This entry was originally posted at http://riazendira.dreamwidth.org/68472.html, where there are
comments. Please comment on either journal as you please.

just happy

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