I woke up this morning, after a night in which I consciously KNOW that I spent it tossing and turning (didn't take my ambien, thought I'd try out sleeping "normally" again because I was in fact really really tired when I went to bed) because I remember doing so, clearly having hit REM sleep RIGHT before I re-hit consciousness. This I know because immediately upon waking I had this thought:
Tony Stark meets Neal Caffrey- they end up attempting to outdo each other with grand, almost-but-probably-not-quite-legal-insane-but-creative, gestures for weeks before they finally decide to put the world out the misery of them flirting and finally go on a date or something.
Someone, anyone, either tell me this already exists, or write it for me, because I really don't need another plot bunny, and this one hurts my brain so much I wish to take a baseball bat to my subconscious to figure out where and why the heck it decided to pop into my brain at 9 fucking AM and WAKE ME UP.
Sigh... at least the REST of the day has been much more productive.
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http://riazendira.dreamwidth.org/59496.html, where there are
comments. Please comment on either journal as you please.